Daily Update (LG Nest) Wednesday, May 5 2010

Evening/morning all: Let's hope the early morning show isn't as confusing as last night.

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  • Oh my. I've been busy and it's already late - that means color! - at LG. EJ on nest and quiet.

  • Lovely color on the nest - all rich golds and browns....

  • EJ trying to free herself of a feather stuck on her beak - now rolling the eggs and digging a little deeper into the nest. All quiet on the northern front.

  • OK. EJ up and stretching and here comes Odin and off goes EJ.  Odin immediately organizes the eggs and is settling down - fussing a bit as usual with the upholstery. 

  • Odin making occasional loud cheeps (chirps?) to no-one in particular (at least no one I can see).   Maybe he's talking back to Radio Chaffinch over some commentary he disagrees with..... ("Rubbish!"  What are you talking about!" etc., etc;  just like me with the telly.

  • I'm calling it a night. Odin still on eggs; he poked at the chunk of bark but decided to leave it where it was.  EJ still off on a mission somewhere..... has been a quiet night.   Take care all.

  • Morning all.  EJ very much on watch at the moment - head twisting round to scan the sky in all directions.  She's also taking time for a mini-preen, so perhaps looking for Odin rather than keeping an eye on an intruder.  The Radio Chaffinch breakfast show is going well!

  • Good Morning All. Thank you so very much for all the commentary and pictures, which made it so easy for me to catch up with the traumatic happenings on the nest over the last few days.

    EJ seems contented on the nest at the moment.

  • Poor EJ

    If sitting in one spot all night and most of her day isn't   hard enough now  she is  molting and  dealing with itchy  feathers . 

    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • Nice birdsong this morning, all seems relatively quiet so lets hope no drama from intruders today.

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