OK. So we're keeping a special eye out for Odin this morning..... Cirrus: I remember Odin bringing fish very early when I was watching the chicks last year - it's much lighter earlier then so that may account for it. jsb: Thanks for the info re EJ's (non-)returning chicks. BIrds must be a lot like us: We love to see our kids but aren't too keen on having them move back in and taking over the house.
A mating song Lindybird - oh, ha ha ha - how silly of me !! Birdie ectasy .. golly, I'll have to turn my brain on :)
Sounds more like her food soliciting call, Gary. Perhaps she can see Odin in a tree.
EDIT: Only thought of the bird mating sounds, because this week we have some pretty silly sparrows in our apple tree !!!!!!!
EJ certainly calling - could it be around again. Looking upwards and around - maybe Odin but could very well be the intruder.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Cirrus: When the garden birds start acting & sounding silly, we call them "twitterpated" which is from the film 'Bambi' if you remember!
Sadly, I don't remember Bambie Lindybird but what a star word to use. Yes, I think the sound is more like EJ calling at Odin at not an intruder. Maybe she wants a nest break since the morning's break was interrupted.
Good afternoon DjoanS and all I can see that while I was switched off having lunch EJ is going through a very trying time. As you say DjoanS how dare it land on EJ. When I spoke to LG earlier they told me that EJ is more than capable of seeing of intruders and that it is all natural behaviour that the intruder is doing. Poor girl she is having a right old time of it. Will be logged in for a while now so will watch this space carefully to see if the intruder turns up yet again.
Thanks Lindybird, think you are right. Wish he'd come in soon as the blacksmith is coming in a couple of minutes and I don't want to miss it!
I don't remember that phrase from Bambi but been a while since I've seen it.
Unknown said: Margobird. How good of you to phone the centre. Thank you so very much. And for all the informatiion given you. It seems many of you found the site 'open' again before I did. Hi Tish :)
Margobird. How good of you to phone the centre. Thank you so very much. And for all the informatiion given you.
It seems many of you found the site 'open' again before I did. Hi Tish :)
Hi Cirrus I just had to do it as I could not settle without knowing something. As I type EJ is calling so perhaps she can see Odin who sits on a branch quite near to the nest. What a day it is, not doing my nerves a lot of good at all and the chicks are not hatched yet.
EJ up from nest, Odin flies in adnd EJ is off. He is now going to do hi fatherly bit.
Nest break it was then .... ) who put the piece of bark in with the eggs ??????????? Interesting. Odin on