Daily Update (LG Nest) Monday, May 3, 2010

  • I cannot agree Tish. Last Year we were told she only solicits fish when she can see Odin. There was  a point early on in the evening about   5.25 pm   when she made 'soliciting' calls as opposed to red alert 'intruder calls' but it didn't last very long. I've done a lot of watching today and there simply hasn't been a fish. Is anyone able to confirm what Tish says please?

  • Hi everyone.

    So glad the LG camera's back up and running.  Must admit to having seriouis withdrawl symdromes yesterday.  Thanks for all the various update, pictures, videos etc. since I last posted here.

    All the news of intrustion attemps really got the pulse racing.  Thankfully EJ does a wonderful job of defending her nest and eggs.  I really hope Odin arrives with a fish soon.  Evening light looks gorgeous at LG.


    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • Well, I'm shortly off to watch Flash Forward and hope I miss the fish delivery so keen am I for the lad to arrive with EJ's supper.

  • I agree about the soliciting for food at about 5.30 ish Cirrus.  I went to the diary an there is nothing there to say she has had a fish right enough.  Perhaps David or someone could put our minds at rest regarding the whereabouts of Odin.  Thank you.

    Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.

  • I've just asked about fish deliveries on the main blog Tish, but not many of us have posted today - the holiday  I suppose and people's time being taken up with other things. I do wish 'officialdom' would post concerning any fish today. But they have so much to do - can't expect them to pander to 'worry warts' like me.

  • I've just posted on the main blog and asked if anyone can confirm a fish delivery today Tish, but not many of us have posted - the holiday I suppose and people's time being taken up with other things. I could wish 'officialdom' would make mention of any fish deliveries but they are so busy - can't expect them to pander to 'worry warts' like me .

    EDiT bother ! first o fall I delete one post and they both get deleted and then I post again only to find two posts  !!!  I give up. Off to watch TV - see you later

  • EJ is so quiet.

      Has she been fed today at all?  The last time we saw Odin was when the first intruder appeared I think> 

    Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.

  • Looking back  Odin was last seen at 11.39 a.m. 

    Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.

  • TV ad break:   Exactly Tish, I'm concerned - I'm sure unnecessarily. But I am.

  • I'm trying to watch the Joanna Lumley 'Nile' series, but I keep coming back to see how EJ is. She is very quiet.