Weekly Chat, Sunday May 2, 2010

HI all: I'm late starting this.  Be sure to check the last two pages of the previous Weekly Chat - some interesting links, news, updates on nest data, photos. I haven't had a chance to read them all but off to do that now.

  • Just managed to catch the peregrine chicks at Derby being fed:

  • Thanks Alan for the peregrin pic,  all 3 looking healthy and ready for food.  Just love watching how gentle they are.  Another of natiure's miracles.


  • What a great photo, Alan.  The tenderness and delicacy of the way these birds feed their young is always very touching.

  • Awww.  Lovely photo Alan.  So cute.

  • This is for Annette & anyone else who does not know what a 'fascinator' is !  :

  • Lindybird : Fascinating!!!

    The red kite blog has been updated. It is quite amazing how much they travel about. One of them even visited Ireland:


  • Alan – I would award you extra brownie points for actually paying attention to the hanging-out-the-washing tutorial.  Lovely picture of feeding time at Derby – how well they behaved – all in a line and taking their turn!.  Margobird – good weather here – mostly bright and no rain.  Could be warmer, but anything dry is good enough for me.  Hope you enjoyed the ballet, despite the wet journeys.  Have fun planning the summer outfits for Venice!  Emma – LotL seem to be wondering if the very daring intruder there could be Eric arriving late – hope they don’t have an egg kicking incident! 

    Back to the garden now – repotted the box balls this morning, now trying some judicious pruning of possible dead shrubs, to encourage growth lower down.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Morning all:  Just chatted with my sister in Lincolnshire who said they sat in the garden yesterday and went to a car boot sale today where everyone was swathed in winter coats again.  More sun here today but windy conditions again, so will probably sweep the patio only to have everything blow back again (but at least we can keep it from being tracked into the house for half a day).

    Lindybird:    I have a stack of magazines and various sections of newspaper to catch up on. Keep promising myself not to start a new book until I'm caught up, but....    I too have accumulated yet another load of ironing - maybe this evening?   Funny how boys are so secretive about their girlfriends - probably because they don't want to be the subject of maternal speculation. As OG, says, could be "the one."  Kitchen cupboards are under control given the major renovation last year; we're in the garage now.  Oh my - a "fascinator"!! Did they have those back in the 50s?  As my mother used to say, If you live long enough, everything comes back into fashion.

    Alan:  :-)))  Assume you hung out the washing in a manly fashion?  Also assume you now know where not to place the pegs: Do not put pegs on shoulders or we get that funny little bit that sticks up (I put all tops on hangers) but also do not hang knit tops upside down with pegs on each side seam or material stretches causing droopy appearance, which is already a problem, clothes notwithstanding.  Think Emma Peel's suggestion for U-tube video a brilliant idea!  

    While I was at the garage sale yesterday, got a worried call from OH saying Lightning had pooped on the carpet and what should he do?  I gave clear and calm instructions over the phone and glad to say no sign (or smell) when I got home.  I rushed out of the house so early and he slept later than usual so poor puss hadn't got out for her morning excursion.  Maybe a tutorial on that next?

    Lovely photo of peregrine chicks!

    Margobird: Very smart to get Venice wardrobe organized early. OH was packing for UK trip the other year and came rushing out the morning he was flying with pair of pants with big spot on leg! Did manage to save the day with combination of various chemicals.

    Off to start the day. Thanks for all pix and posts. Take care all.

  • Afternoon everyone, grey and breezy here today, with a little sunshine around midday. We finally got around to making a trellis and tying up the rose that climbs up the front of the house. Until a few weeks ago we had scaffolding up and the rose had climbed through it, but now it's down, hurrah. Rose had to be pruned too, because it was rather tangled.  Have been in garden all day, cut out even more old raspberry canes (had first go in November as usual).  OH planting potatoes. I have allegedly come in to make bread, waiting for it to rise, honest.

    Still no nestcam, only stills, and I know it's an hour behind but it still says 16.23 so not updating every 2 minutes.

    Alan/Emma, I think you should go into business together with the youtube HW tutorials.  OH always hangs things by the shoulder, stretched lopsidedly (?), and presses the pegs on too hard so there are marks (and I don't generally iron much, just fold very flat, but that won't get peg marks out).

    Another chance for the ISS tonight between 3 minutes and 1 minute to 11 (don't blink!)

    Terry in Cumbria

  • You would all laugh at my Mum (before the Alzheimers set in ) As far as I am concerned she must be among the worlds most untidy people. She has always had a housework phobia.  until it comes to hanging out the washing  and then she goes completely over the top. It is unreal the amount of time she takes on her washing. How many pegs on each item and how many times they have to be turned. It is robably why she doesn't have time for anything else housie!!!!!!

    MARGOBIRD we are looking forward to some culture this month as we have booked to see Scottish Ballet dance Romeo and Julliette. Then on the 27th we go down to see The Priests at The Royal Concert Hall in Glasgow. We have got a ticket for Mum so I hope she can make it. July it is Irish dancing at Eden Court and later on in the year the play The calendar girls. There are other things we may book to see but depends on finances.

    Have not been on for a while so I hope you are all well. Really anoying that the webcam has been down all day