Weekly Chat, Sunday May 2, 2010

HI all: I'm late starting this.  Be sure to check the last two pages of the previous Weekly Chat - some interesting links, news, updates on nest data, photos. I haven't had a chance to read them all but off to do that now.

  • dibnlib:   Glad to be of cheer - the news is always grim, worldwide, but life goes on without it in some cases, like the nest at LG.  There is much to smile about.

    EDIT:    Just realised that you have been without the webcam all this time, you poor thing.  It drives me crazy when its down.  Hope you can enjoy all the action now.

  • Morning all:

    Lindybird: The oil spill is going to cost billions to sort out; yesterday BP gave out contracts to local fishermen in the area to help place booms to (hopefully) prevent the oil from coming ashore after being persuaded that those folks knew the currents, shoreline, etc., better than anyone.    I love country smells!  Cute little verse!

    OG: If anyone tried drilling more oil wells off the California coast, we'd probably secede from the Union! :-)   We have multiple platforms already out there which Mike (whale count investigator) says are responsibly managed, but accidents do happen. There was an oil spill in Santa Barbara in '69, which reached the coast and did all kinds of damage. A very active local group called GOO (Get Oil Out) is constantly working to have them all closed down.  I didn't know it originally, but this part of the coast has the largest natural oil seep in the world. Every now and then the beaches (not the main beach downtown Santa Barbara - God forbid where the tourists go!) get patches of tar and if you know what you're looking for, you can see it in the ocean. Not sure what the difference is between the natural oil that seeps and the stuff that the platforms produce, but the natural seep doesn't seem to affect dolphins, whales, sea lions, etc.

    dibnlib:  Didn't get to hear our Oyster Catchers over the noise of the surf.  Assume "buff" not in the same league as "fascinator"?    :-)    Glad you got the cam back.

    In the meantime, good luck with the elections.

    Diane: Was reading a web page today that referred to the Gulf Oil event as the "BP/Halliburton oil spill." I'm still not clear on all the players; must check it out. BP is the name we hear all the time on the telly.

  • Great poem Lindybird.

    Just a reminder for those of us following the eagles at Norfolk Botanical Gardens that one of the chicks is being fitted with a satellite transmitter at 3.00 p.m tomorrow.

    just got this message from onr of the mods at NBG:

    tomorrow they will band the two younger eaglets and place a satellite transmitter on one of them. Everything is going well at the nest.


  • Good evening dibnlib so pleased your OH has sorted things out for you.  It is awful when things go wrong.  Have a good evening.


  • Evening Lindybird love the poem for Odin.  What a talent you have. 


    Don't know how I am going to get on whilst in Venice, not taking laptop with me so will have to catch up when I get back.  Still I have until next Tuesday and lets hope it is not so stressful as it has been yesterday and today.


  • Finally caught up with your verse Lindybird. Just the ticket ! Thank you for that.  I'll have to try and get my muse going - maybe when on hol on Mull next week the Eagles may inspire me to write about Ospreys  LoL

  • Been popping in and out all day between jobs.  Very pleased all grass cut and trimmed by OH.  I’ve continued sorting potted plants and planted up the decorative barrel on the front porch –and taken garden photos.  Also had family phone calls and planned a day out to Ayr tomorrow.  Lindybird – lovely little poem for Odin.  Dibnlib – had to look up “Buff” (and got some strange answers – but also got the right one!)  So pleased you can now view the web cam.  Thanks for email.  Annette – so many companies involved in the oil spill – only ones to gain from it will be the lawyers!!

    And so to bed … after a pic of my Twisted Willow tree:


    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG. Huh. Re the oil lawyers - how true, how true.

  • Unknown said:

    Diane: Was reading a web page today that referred to the Gulf Oil event as the "BP/Halliburton oil spill." I'm still not clear on all the players; must check it out. BP is the name we hear all the time on the telly.

    Everyone: Here is an interesting article on the ten types of animals most at risk from the Gulf oil spill. http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-503543_162-20003738-503543.html?tag=contentMain;contentBody 

    Lindybird: Wonderful poem!

    Annette: This is an article in a business journal, but it gives a good, concise explanation of the players in the oil spill and the accusations against them.     http://industry.bnet.com/energy/10004219/gulf-oil-spill-whos-to-blame-bp-halliburton-and-the-feds-are-all-implicated/     BP operated the oil rig that blew up and created the massive spill. According to federal law, BP is responsible. Transocean owned the oil rig; BP was only leasing it. Halliburton was responsible for cementing the deepwater drill hole. Cameron International was the manufacturer of a critical piece of oil drilling safety equipment. The Federal Government was supposed to provide rigorous oversight of oil drilling rigs and platforms in the Gulf.

    Took my Dad to the doctor today (routine visit), and I'm exhausted so off to sleep. Have a nice Wednesday, all.