Daily Update (LG Nest) Thursday April 29 2010

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  • Evening all - shame about the buzzing. The birdsong is just lovely, Willow wabler, and the omnipresent Chaffinch and the occassional Chiff Chaff. Really nice, If you close your eyes you can imagine a really warm bright sunshine evening, lol

    All I ask is the chance to prove that money can't make me happy.
    Spike Milligan

  • Did amyone see Loch of the Lowes on stv "The Hour"a programme I don't watch but was switching channels and low and behold There was Marge on her nest and the male came in with a fish and he st on the eggs.  In mjy opinion EJ and Odin have a far superior penthouse and plenty walking about room for the babes.  LotL is too "branchy" but MY opinion remember! 

    Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.

  • Hiya Tish.  I know what you mean about the difference in nests. I sometimes think LOTL is safer looking for when they're really small and staggering around. On saying that EJ normally builds it up slightly.

    All I ask is the chance to prove that money can't make me happy.
    Spike Milligan

  • The shadows are lengthening now into evening, and all is peaceful. I must away from here & do other tasks, enjoy, all you watchers!  'Bye

  • EJ looking glorious in the late evening sun:


  • Sandy, that is a lovely capture of our EJ, looking so regal:)

    Thanks for all the reports/video clips. Haven;t watched mych today but great to be able to catch up.

    Jane, hope you got your socks!!:)

  • Ej off the nest for a few seconds.  Haven't seen Odin any time I've looked in this evening.

    All I ask is the chance to prove that money can't make me happy.
    Spike Milligan

  • Heres Odin  with a fish no idea what size its too dark

    All I ask is the chance to prove that money can't make me happy.
    Spike Milligan

  • Just logged on to see both EJ and Odin on nest - some sort of change over I think plus a bit of nest tidying up. Its now one of them sitting on the eggs whilst the other one hangs about for a bit.

  • Maybe it wasn't a fish, or if it was it was just a bite, Ej has came back to sit on eggs after getting up and taking something from him.  Odin Standing beside her on nest.

    All I ask is the chance to prove that money can't make me happy.
    Spike Milligan

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