Good grief. How did it get to be April 28 already?!
All quiet on the nest right now; EJ seems to be snoozing.
Morning All:
Found EJ rearranging herself to be comfy on the eggs - no rain yet! Think its forecast though.
Sounds like rain now - EJ sitting tight.
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
She's scanning the sky around 360 degrees.
The wind is certainly already ruffling those feathers, OG. Wonder if it will rain so much that fishing is difficult again.
Good Morning All.
I can't see any mention of Odin being around this morning, so maybe he is already fishing. He was very good yesterday.
Good morning Lindybird logged on earlier than usual as hospital visit this afternoon and out for a meal this evening so osprey watching will be cut short today. Can't make up my mind whether it is rain I can hear or the just the wind. I hope it is not to bad to go fishing. EJ sitting tight bless her and hopefully Odin is fishig for her.
Wrong blog I know - I believe that Marge at LOTL had a wet day yesterday and it seems wet there this morning. Hope all this bad weather clears and that there is much better weather when the chicks start hatching. Surely it can't go on for much longer. I feel desparatel sorry for them at the moment.
Unknown said: Good Morning All. I can't see any mention of Odin being around this morning, so maybe he is already fishing. He was very good yesterday.
Good morning Brenda hope Odin is fishing an brings a fish soon. I wonder how cold EJ gets sitting in all that wind and rain, nothing deters them from the job in hand though. I am so full of admiration for the ospreys.
Hi Margobird: We're hoping that he's busy, out fishing. EJ certainly seems to be looking for him. Have a good day, yourself.
10.27 and a fish delivery. Well done Odin you are just the best. EJ flew away and Odin engaged in his favourite duty.
Good news at LOTL too as Y7 has brought a fish in.
Morning all ... just logged on in time to see Odin arrive with a fish. EJ looked so hungry she took a bite before flying off!
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
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