We await signs of a second hatch, and assume now that that will not come from the second egg, which is very late:
EJ was tucked in asleep at midnight:
Not a lot of activity between then and now - occasional chick-checking but no clear views of chick or eggs:
A lot of egg-checking has been going on, I can see the white egg/s being revealed/hidden but can't see exactly...
And I can't hear anything except fizzy hum.
EJ is up... and down again.
No flap or flyabout, nothing special seen in nestcup - but the sound is working because EJ's squirt was audible.
Cropped version, in the vain hope that it might show something that the normal version misses:
What am I saying, "nothing special seen in the nestcup"?!
Then EJ spent some time digging beneath herself and may have spat something out? But I couldn't see anything... like eggshell, for instance ;-)
More of the same - just cannot tell what is what:
But she's at least dozing now, if not asleep:
Not dozing for long, she's alert and looking in Odin's usual direction now.
She's been quite fidgety, I do wish I could hear something - crackling, rustling, anything!
Off to get something to eat.
Something keeps waking her up:
But now her head is well pressed into the nest:
Hi scylla - just checked in to see day cam.
Now off to sleep...
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