More intrusions yesterday but no nest landings - Odin dealt with it all, no help from EJ necessary.
We have been on hatch-watch all day, with "has it or hasn't it" very difficult to discern.
EJ just took a bathroom break, giving us the opportunity to see what is underneath her in the floodlights tonight >:(
First the lovely part:
Coming back:
This is set on 2x speed, hoping any movement will show up better.
Yes Sheila it's lovely to hear the little one and it's very vocal when it comes to feeding time. EJ is so gentle with it. Getting a bit windy up there now.
They are very famous now as they were on BBC1 Scottish news last night.
I really must get out into the garden, but will pop back.
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018
But before I go!...
She is snoozing now! Awww 11.35
She is up
Tiger's Osprey News
Stretching her wings
Little 'un raised its head for a second to see if moma would feed him/her. EJ has flown.
EJ is back with soft calls
She's tidying up the nest
Little un is replying to EJ calls, aww