The Webcam is down at present @ 04.40 am when I last looked.   

Well yesterday was another day of nice weather, some intrustions, a early morning fish for EJ, and the usual routine for EJ and Odin.  

The days are ticking away now and maybe by the weekend we could see our first wee bobblehead appear.

All of yesterdays happenings can be found in BIRDIE'S AMAZING BLOG.

In the absence of a webcam I have snaffled a couple of captures from yesterdays DU by  Scylla and Moffer

  • Cleared cache in Chrome, refreshed, and there he is !!!

  • Good morning Scylla, I have him too in a glorious sunray on my tablet. Another hot day by the feel of it.

  • MaryGK said:
    the hard work and dedication of the LG team were never in question.

    The accusation that it is in question is thrown at us so often when we refer to the lack of communication from the VC and I was shocked to see it yesterday.

    I fail to see why a full-blown blog is necessary anywaywhen it comes to nest info.

  • Unknown said:
    I have him too in a glorious sunray on my tablet.

    I think Carnyx must have stepped in - it's happened before at this time of the morning when we've been 'bemoaning' the lack of cam :-)

  • Aww, thanks for the profile, Odin :-*

  • No sooner did I type that than sound is back.

  • Good morning all. Just popped in to say hi. I won't be around until tea time as I have a lot on. Glad the cam is back.I looked in earlier to see it down again. happy viewing. TTFN.

  • Good morning everyone! Gorgeous Odin, thanks for the pictures Scylla and Moffer.

  • MaryGK said:

    I will pop back later to see if you managed to retrieve anything Scylla.    Oh I see you have posted now.   Thanks, that didn't take long.  

    Before I go though, I would like to say in my defense re my post of yesterday morning, that the hard work and dedication of the LG team were never in question.  For the last five years I take two holidays a year solely to visit Loch Garten VC so have witnessed first hand how hard the team work and how dedicated they are, and there was no criticism of them whatsoever, what I questioned was the lack of communication and only that, so I will not be made to feel guilty by the resultant blog for the post I made.

    With no communications from the VC the "connection"is lost by all who follow the webcam.

    The figures are a fact and NOT a criticism by the way :-)  and I know it is only the 11th of May and not the end of the month yet but I don't think that would make any difference. 
    2016 Mar to May - 8 Blogs
    2015 Mar to May - 23 Blogs
    2014 Mar to May - 22 Blogs
    2013 Mar to May - 43 Blogs
    2012 Mar to May - 24 Blogs
    2011 Mar to May - 23 Blogs

    That's it I will not be mentioning the word blog or communication ever again, but I feel as an RSPB member for thirty years I can make a comment asking for some communication like we have had in previous years without being made to feel guilty for doing so.

    Mary, posts such as this are an indicator of the frustration felt by many I am sure. I have no idea what caused the latest missive and find it hard to believe it was just a single post by you or anyone else.

    The figures you provide show not only a marked change but also the amount of research members will carry out and indeed the almost encyclopaedic knowledge many possess accrued over years of dedication to the birds here and elsewhere.

    Like it or not the Internet is here to stay. It has benefits and drawbacks. The commitment of many on here is absolute and I do not think it unreasonable for their views to be heard without fear of the Moderators leaping for the Delete button.

    I am, privately, aware of many dedicated followers who are wary of expressing a view on the site for fear of exclusion and some posts reflect the 'treading on thin ice' approach.

    Personally I find it a very sad situation when genuine and constructive comment is stifled even if it, and particularly when, is borne out of frustration.