One egg laid early and dispensed with, two further eggs being cherished by MrsG and Aran.
It's been a wet April in Wales. Intruders a-plenty, but Aran seems to have forsaken his 'other woman' and is devoted to MrsG and his eggs.
This morning @ about 0935hr - a fish for MrsG:
Delivery with rather weak sound, but it's something ;-)
How odd, why is 2R not being chased off??!
Must have been on the nest for at least 10 minutes. Cheeping to each other now...
Perhaps 2R is asking for a fish??
Harmonious females ;-D
Sod's law, when MrsG flew at Clarach/or off nest momentarily, auto-refresh interrupted :'(
Oh my, I hope Mrs G sticks to the eggs like glue.
Just amazing to see Clarach with Mrs G
(P.S. Sorry I haven't been contributing recently and won't be able to for another week or so but all is OK)
(c) Glaslyn Wildlife
Tiger and Chloe's Osprey Info
Gosh - I have just seen this - now what happens when Aran brings a fish?
Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs
Clarach is grabbing at Mrs G's beak. It's almost as if Clarach thinks Mrs G is tearing fish when she is in fact turning her eggs.
Yes, I thought that Clarach may possibly be wanting a fish. We have not seen this before though, have we.?
Still surprising that Mrs G does not shoo her off.
Very surprising. Not seen before by me either!