One egg laid early and dispensed with, two further eggs being cherished by MrsG and Aran.
It's been a wet April in Wales. Intruders a-plenty, but Aran seems to have forsaken his 'other woman' and is devoted to MrsG and his eggs.
This morning @ about 0935hr - a fish for MrsG:
Delivery with rather weak sound, but it's something ;-)
Mrs G. incubating @ 12.23, panting so warm there too.
EJ's Memorial Balgavies Loch Ospreys 2023
Weather looks awful for tomorrow Rain and more rain
Mrs G incubating
Mrs G incubating Aran on the perch
Hi Patily. Contrast here compared to Loch Garten.,
Birdies LG DU update.
Hi MIKE I wondered where you were
Good Morning Mike and Patily
Yes a contrast to LG, its a beautiful morning here too.
Nice seeing Mrs G. get a bit of company :-)
There has been a change over, Aran decided to do the old stick routine, to get Mrs.G off incubating LOL....
Avery wet, but beautifully oiled feathers..
It looks like Mrs.G is still wet @ 04.44 am.
There was a change over earlier, probably about ten or so minutes ago, I seen Aran standing beside Mrs.G but didn't take a snip.
He is now incubating and looks dry.