Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 1st May 2016

However did I manage to get in ahead of the lovely Annette and the excellent Diane to start this thread?  Goodness only knows.  Perhaps both ladies are all Trumped out!!

Have a good week, everyone - and special thoughts to Margo, her lovely hubby and Billie!

Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good Morning, All.  Windy here today, and raining at the moment but it should cease soon.

    bjane - Nice to hear from you again. Hope your daughter can go home, after your invaluable help.

    Lynette - Good that your OH is on the mend.

    Clare - I must admit that I immediately thought of the extras you might gain from your new job!  "Liquid Assets" indeed! LOL!

    OG -  Please don't do too much!

    Annette - Its always good to get out into the garden: I could potter for ages, but only as long as it's a warm day! Go easy on the yoga if you're out of practise....

    Margo -  Thinking of you and hoping you're getting stronger this week. {{HUGS}}

  • Good Morning Everyone. After an absolutely beautiful day yesterday, when we enjoyed wall to wall sunshine, today is grey and murky.

    Our son completed the Iron Man Triathlon ( which is twice the amount of cycling and running, plus a third more swimming than a normal triathlon ) in Busselton, W. Australia, but returning to their hire car, they found that the back window had been smashed in and contents stolen. I guess would be thieves know that the owners were all occupied with the race. It rather took the shine off his achievement.

  • Oh, Brenda -  that's more than just annoying......words fail.  Well done to your son, that's a heck of an achievement. He must be super-fit.

    Rain hasn't stopped here, it's grim. Going out for a coffee, then packing up to go home!

  • Brenda, I can only repeat what Lindybird has written about the car break-in. What an awful thing to happen. Well done to your son, though.

    Annette, Thank you for your reply to my question An interesting story.

    It is similar to the told to me by the mother of my son's next door neighbour, who I met last year at Thanksgiving in Cincinnati. She originally lived in Derbyshire.She went to visit friends, and stayed on. Her mother also went to live with them eventually.

    As you can imagine, we had a good natter. She was impressed with my daughter in law's teapot and tea cosy, and enjoyed the cups of tea. The d in law does not drink builder's, but had bought  necessary equipment  for me.

    We were Interested in her (American)  husband's views on the presidential candidates. I think you would agree with them! They now live in Washington DC.

    Clare,as others have said, your new job does seem to be in a congenial location. I hope there are benefits.

    OG, enjoy your trip. I am sure J will do his best with the plants.

    Best wishes to Margo and her OH. I hope Billie is doing what cats do best, and is comforting  company.

    Nice to 'meet' you bjane. You sound like a very busy person.

    Best wishes to Heather, Lindybird and everyone I have not mentioned.

    I am off to visit my sister in Wiltshire tomorrow for a few days.

  • Enjoy your family visit to Wiltshire, Rosy. I've only been through Wiltshire on the way to other places!

    The rain stopped eventually here and the sun appeared: we trotted round the garden centre after our coffee (one plant, one book [a present!],  2 packs of seeds, one large bag of suet balls for the birds). I admired a garden fountain, but my OH  would not be drawn on it......he changed the subject!

    Then we went for a pleasant walk along the banks of the Menai Straits. Doggy went at least 3 times as far as we did, as she ran ahead and back again, and played with every dog we met on the way.....

    Had lunch back at base and are packing but not rushing, as we can see big queues on the road, as everyone goes home again ready for work tomorrow.

  • Morning all:

    Brenda: Good for your son, but bummer about the rental car. Did they lose much of value - not that that's the point - but...

    Rosy: "Does not drink builder's...."??  I'm stuck in tea bag land, can you enlighten me?  :-)   Washington DC is another whole country - awash in politics. My sister and BiL took the train from Chicago to Santa Fe and BiL remarked on how removed some of the small towns they passed in the Midwest must be from all the DC shenanigans.  Have a good time with your sister.

    OG: Birds love garden fountains, but have a feeling your OH won't be persuaded. Hope the drive home is easy.

    It's May 2 and May Gray has arrived - coastal overcast that will burn off late morning with rain (ha!) tentatively forecast for Thursday/Friday...

    Off to start the day.

  • Well, today didn't go as planned. 11.30am, the friend, who had a leaky heart valve diagnosed recently, rang to ask me to take her OH to A & E, as he had had a severe nose bleed for the previous three hours. He is on warfarin, also because of a leaky heart valve !! My OH came with me to the hospital. After an assessment and numerous blood tests, waiting for the results, a check up by his doctors and finally cauterisation, we didn't return home until c17.30.

    Always glad to help folk, but I hope tomorrow will pass peacefully. LOL

  • Hello all

    I have been registered here for around 15 years and have, sadly to say, lurked. A brief intro, my OH and I came around second time around after we both knew each others  partners. A long story but not for now. OH suffers from muscular dystrophy which will ultimately kill her due to muscle weakness. HOWEVER we keep fighting on. I have two lovely stepdaughters and two grandchildren who might not have been here otherwise. We now live in the Forest of Dean Glos. Now known as wild boar habitat – hence avatar, photo not to be done twice!! We decided after 5yrs that we needed to find a holiday destination hence Loch Garten as we found fully disabled access cottages which we have now visited 6 times and have introduced our grandchildren to the wonders of nature through our ospreys as well as WWT Slimbridge (2 miles as the crow flies – 30 miles as you have to drive. I am trying to adopt an approach of trying to do something that I can do to take some time off the stresses that are constantly with us. Needless to say we are not spring chickens!!!

    As a ps. for now, we are supposed to be looking out for our peregrines for which the Forest is known but at £3 for parking residents included you don't pay too many visits (courtesy of the Forest Commission.

  • Welcome Keith I live not far from LG but my daughter lives in Bath and my son in sin ( 15 years living together ) is from Cinderford so know your lovely location well.

    I am also a lurker but we are tolerated :-)))

  • Hello Keith, and welcome to both you and your Other Half. I agree that enjoying wildlife helps ease the stresses of life. The Forest of Dean is a beautiful part of the country (and, I might add, a  v e r y long way from L. Garten!).

    If you've been lurking for ages, you probably know a lot about all of us! But I'm sure you'll receive a warm welcome here :-)

    EDIT -   ps, I love your Avatar, LOL!!