High time I started a DU thread! It's the first day of May and EJ the Beautiful is fast asleep:
If all goes to plan we should have chicks this month! Perhaps I'm being overly optimistic after last year but I'm feeling positive for this pair.
Our herring gulls are red listed birds. Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.
Nap time here. Fingers crossed for a peaceful remains of the day.
15.12 EJ returns with a chirrup
and is in no real hurry to take over incubation
A minute later, and then she started to talk to Odin
Odin finally gets up and flies off
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018 https://www.imagicat.com/
Intruder alert just now (while I was eating)
EJ shouting at intruder
Joined by Odin to defend the nest
Odin flew....in pursuit?
More alarm calls from Odin after he flew.
Birdie Num Num's brilliant DU summary 2017
A couple more alarm chirps from EJ
EJ is calling.
She's quiet now....for a very short time. She's calling again......and stopped once more.
Okay, so intermiitent bursts of calling and silence.
We love watching this nest and it is even more enjoyable when there is sound What does EJ want?.......a break......or more fish?
More calling, a lot louder and more persistant.
Pretty sure she wants fish.
Odin has landed with a thump! He starts putting the sticks straight, while EJ calls for fish.
She has flown.