.How will today start, after the quite thick snow of yesterday? Can't tell yet, EJ sits awake on a glary nest, the background is still pitch black.
I think my cam has been frozen, am just going to check the post-midnight footage.
EDIT - I've been frozen since before midnight :o :o :o Auto-refresh somehow got switched off.
Labour-saving for the moment, I suppose.
Good Morning Scylla
Thank you for starting us off.
Going to catch up from yesterday now :-)
EJ's Memorial Balgavies Loch Ospreys 2023
EJ lies with head down, I can hear the plip plop of rain or could even be hail.
MARY !!! Have you seen my Glaslyn correction? Still ONE EGG :'(
Going for a coffee.
Scylla I have been trying to post on the Glaslyn thread for the last ten minutes, what a pain it just won't post for some reason..... The wheel just burls all the time, I have opened another tab and had to sign in again to post at a second attempt but it will not post either.
DAYCAM 0525hr
No snow or frost, but soggy:
I am having all sorts of problems trying to post this morning. I type in the box and then it just freezes.
Now I have tried a different browser to see if that lets me post.
Poor EJ, that was a horrible shower she had to sit through, she kept her head hunkered down all through it.
I hope Odin brings in a big breakfast fish for her, although she is very quiet at the moment so I guess he is not around with a fish.
I can hear a cuckoo at LG. Definitely LG as it is the only cam I have the sound up. :-)
I heard it yesterday morning but I my Dyfi sound 'leaks' even when its speaker is turned right down, so I didn't post it. Glad you've confirmed it, MARY :-)
However, I didn't hear this morning's but my speaker is on quite low.