Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 24 April 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

I'll be back soon to catch up with everyone.

  • Lynette: I have to sign in once a week - usually Mondays but today I had to also.   A bore for your OH; how many visits will he have to make?

  • Margo – So glad your OH has put you before work. It should make your days brighter. I think of you every night as I go to bed and send healing wishes. {{{HUGS}}}


    Brief nanny duty yesterday, only 1½ hours. I admired wee ones who were showing off madly! And tried to dry 2 wet little roodie noodies running around after their bath. Bath & hair wash unplanned but Dau found twins playing in mud & dog’s water bowl, then pasting the mess in their hair. I didn't help much, at least I kept them out of the kitchen while Dau cooked tea. I feel weary today, mostly from the ¾ hr x 2 drive.


    This morn I had some pics printed of a church a lovely lady had told me about; I’d promised her ages ago that I would photo the ruins for her. It proved quite expensive as I dropped into shop nearby and bought winter slacks and jumper! The jumper is a new season colour of a particular brand I have been buying for years. The big store in city told me that brand is not made any more. What she meant was they now only stock “own brand” cheapie. They’ve just lost a customer. The small-shop girl offered to pin up slacks, thus saving OH another task.


    May is History Festival month. I have flagged a dozen churches & buildings to visit when open. Plus 2 Sunday bus trips. Plus the deferred visit for coffee & cake at Murattis with Travel Friend. I'm so busy, we may be living on frozen packet meals a bit longer LOL.

  • AQ: Don't rush back into nanny duty. Maybe you can buy your favorite label online now that the store is pushing their own line?  Great that you have outings planned for May!

  • Annette - The disadvantage with online shopping is that I can't see the true colour of items. Colours on my monitor differ from OH's. As for nanny duty, OH told Dau I would only do half a day when I return to "fulltime" duty.

  • Good Morning.  I had to sign in again.  A sunny start here, after a sleeting and haily night.

    AQ -  LOL!  - I can just see you, trying to catch your little ones & get them dry.  Good that you can have fun planning for more outings. Glad you managed to get your outfit.  I find that the only drawback to online shopping, which I do a lot, is the colour problem - things can often look nothing like you expect.

    Annette -  I had deliberately done my bulb planting whilst Bonnie & OH were out on a walk. She can see where the soil has been disturbed, though. I dread to think what's going to happen to the six lupins I'm nurturing, when I finally plant them out.....

    Brenda - Hope you get a good result when it comes. Sounds cold in your garden!

    Lynette -  Sorry your OH has had such a lot to go through over this, but at least he got good treatment and should be OK now. We are in Wales for a few days, even though the weather could be a lot better!

  • Good Morning Everyone. A dry bright morning, after the overnight rain. OH cut the grass yesterday, so good timing for that job.

    AQ, Good to see that you will be reducing your 'nanny days', especially now that you have planned your May timetable. Sorry you can no longer buy your favourite label jumpers. Hope you find a different stockist.

    Annette, You have been working hard, having done all the laundry. I know you will be missing your sister.

    Lynette, Pleased that your OH has had his stitches removed. I am sure the continuing checks will be worthwhile. The worst is now over for him.

    Margo, Thinking of you and your long day at the hospital.  X

  • We cross posted, Linda. I have been looking at EJ buried in the snow on her nest. Mrs G at Glaslyn seemed to have hail all night. Hope the weather will be dry for you today.

  • We are only a few miles from Mrs G at Glaslyn - we hope to be able to pop over and see the nest whilst we're here.

    Sunny at the moment!  Off out to get milk, petrol & vital wine supplies!

  • Morning all:  

    AQ: Good to hear you've drawn a line in the sand re nanny duty. And yes, buying colored items (or anything really) online can be iffy.

    Lindybird: Hmmm, can you put a fence around the six lupins or is that a really silly question?

    Brenda: I watched sister's plane take off (on FlightRadar24.com) from LAX the morning after we dropped them off at the airport hotel and felt quite droopy watching it going down the runway and then head out over the Pacific before turning back east.  Still, she's now in her own home so things back to "normal," which still means too, too far away.  As for laundry, everything sorted and back in linen closets, drawers, etc.

    Margo:  Hope the day goes as smoothly as possible. Hugs to you and your OH.

    Off to Costco when it opens to stock up on stuff, including "vital wine supplies" as Lindybird puts it. :-)

  • Hello all - I've been following your posts but haven't replied properly, and for that I'm sorry. Nothing wrong, just enjoying time with my brother, lots of chat etc. Some of my worries about him have faded away a bit. What that really means is that I am not going to be personally involved in any of the solutions to his difficulties. However he has arranged finance to buy a car so his day to day money problems will not be lessened :-( Since he doesn't seem overly concerned about things I must just relax and let them get on with it.

    Relaxing is proving difficult -youngest son in law will hear on Tuesday if he is on the redundancy list. He is busy putting his CV out to various places and is attending a jobs fair today. Just in case.

    Several of family coming for a meal this evening and more on Sunday. Brother is staying until Tuesday.

    Thinking about you all - will get back here before too long.