Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 24 April 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

I'll be back soon to catch up with everyone.

  • Thanks for your good wishes.   Bonnie is in her soft bed (the one she turns upside down, when she is in playful mood...) and I am pottering around putting boxes of stuff in the hall.  Even though we keep clothes etc. there, there are always things to take with us.

    Yesterday I planted out some hyacinths we had enjoyed over Easter, into the garden:  Bonnie dug them all up again an hour later when I wasn't looking! (& she was very dirty afterwards because the ground is very wet, so she had to be washed for the third time that day!)

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    I've just seen a hilarious cartoon, I'll try to describe......  A man is at a desk, talking into his mobile.  He is in front of his Desktop PC.  He's saying "I'm phoning to check if you saw my email about the text message I left concerning a letter I wrote!"

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    Hope the new job is going well, Clare :-)

  • Hi, all.

    Sorry that I haven't been around much. I seem to be juggling a lot of things right now. I had to get my land mowed. It was very hot, and I had to get it done before bad storms moved in starting Tuesday (still going!), so the task really took a toll on me. Plus I'm doing my research so I can begin writing for my project.

    Also, I'm going to my brother's on Friday through Monday. I'm watching over my niece and nephew while my brother and his ex-wife (whom he's reconciled with) take a brief mini-vacation. I don't know whether I'll have computer access, so someone will need to start the new thread this Saturday. Normally, I enjoy starting it, but I don't think I could do it easily on my phone.

    OG: That's ghastly news about the red kite. Glad you enjoyed the theatre.

    Heather: I'm glad the christening went well. I hope you are able to enjoy seeing your brother. I know you are concerned about the visit.

    dibnlib: I hope you had a nice anniversary. A trip to Amsterdam sounds wonderful.

    Clare: Glad your new job is progressing well.

    Rosy: Nice to see you!

    ChrisyB: Lovely to see you, too!

    AQ: I'm glad you had a brief escape and bakery visit with your friend. You deserve it!

    Lynette: I hope your cough goes away soon.

    Brenda: I hope your OH has a good biopsy result and he has had positive news about his eye.

    Lindy: I'm glad you had a nice visit with the grandchildren. I loved your photos of the wildlife. The photo of Tomasz was gorgeous. That's a great photo of Bonnie. She's such a lovely dog. Matthew is adorable. Amber looks quite intelligent and cute. Bonnie looks so happy on the beach!