In haste.
Another good day yesterday, with breakfast and supper fish - both goodies!
Get a load o' the length of breakfast serving !!!
And the breadth of supper !!! (Thank you, MOFFER.)
Intruders, yes, but seemingly well within our couple's capacity to deal with.
EJ at midnight on a very nice nightnest:
No significant sleep until a break @ 0210hr:
No nice landing shots so here's an approach shot:
Scylla I hadn't noticed the changeover, as again cam was in a buffer, the penny didn't even drop when OH paid me a visit and said your birds are quiet this morning LOL....
Anyway its good to know that fish is still there if any of them want it. :-)
EJ's Memorial Balgavies Loch Ospreys 2023
Morning Patily.
MaryGK said:I hadn't noticed the changeover
Mary, it exasperates me how I miss events if my attention isn't 100% on the subject, which it rarely is.
Morning, PATILY :-)
Good morning, all! It's nice to see evidence on the nest that neither of them is hungry. It's still His Gorgeous Magnificence on the eggs.
Our herring gulls are red listed birds. Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.
Over an hour-and-a-half, she's been gone :o
Whoever's this? Loud caller. Odin looked but didn't look alarmed.
It's just as well Odin is a most obliging bird when it comes to incubation.
Please ID this birdcall. I've Googled "curlew", but... :-/
Morning all. Thanks for starting us off and the great reporting Scylla. Love the pics and vids. That is indeed Curlew calling.
Birdie Num Num's brilliant DU summary 2017
EJ has been gone for two hours. Odin waits (he's an exceptional sitter)