What more could we have asked of yesterday? The weather was almost perfect, for LG. No intruders. A second fish, after the generosity and earliness of the first, would be very ungrateful of us.
And tonight we are blessed with a lovely nightcam, we may see their flying shadows on the trees if we're lucky.
A moment of alertness:
Sunny EJ again
Tiger's Osprey News
15.32 EJ's calls become more persistent
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018 https://www.imagicat.com/
She's gone quiet now. LOL, and then gives some gentle calls.
Odin badly landed on EJ's tail.
15.57 More calling, checks the eggs, and the sound and pic went all stuttery.
15.58 Oh Odin has arrived, fishless, and starts to stickify, moving that licheny stick once more.
Meanwhile EJ witters!
LOL he is breaking twigs of the stick in the front
He wanders to the back of the nest, and EJ gets up, and flies off
156.05 Odin incubating
and it's not long before he checks the eggs again, and settles. 16.06
Dear Odin: he always loved to incubate, but seems to get more & more house proud!
Hi all. Thanks for all the great reporting today.
I'm doing jobs, but near my PC so I can watch.
EJ has just returned.
Birdie Num Num's brilliant DU summary 2017
Back on the eggs
16.43 EJ has started her gentle calling again
EJ's calling, her voice almost lost in the wind.