DAILY UPDATE ~ Loch Garten nest ~ Monday, 18 April 2016

What more could we have asked of yesterday?  The weather was almost perfect, for LG.  No intruders.  A second fish, after the generosity and earliness of the first, would be very ungrateful of us.

And tonight we are blessed with a lovely nightcam, we may see their flying shadows on the trees if we're lucky.

A moment of alertness:

  • Dang, quite heavy rain starting, by the sound of it.

  • Rain stopped when I wasn't paying attention.  Wind still going strong.

  • scylla said:

    Watch out re your keyboard :o  The PrintScreen was where my troubles started and I had to fit a new keyboard in the end, all on my own *eek*.  And the G keeps popping off the new one *eek-eek*.

    I know what you mean. I have to press the n and m keys very hard, and my cat has dismantled the delete key!

  • EJ contact calling, got up, turning eggs... sat down...

  • Good morning ALL.  What a day in osprey-land!

    Bye Moffer, see you later :)  Thank you Scylla for starting us off.  Good to know that Odin has provided a fish already.

    Apart from some gentle contact calls, and a few louder ones, EJ has been quiet, occasionally turning the eggs.  The sun is now shining and the wind blowing.  Odin must be on camtree - she keeps looking over her shoulder towards it.

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