Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 17 April 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here.

I meant to tell you all this story.

Early last week, during the very high winds, I had to go north for groceries. I was unloading my shopping and struggling to walk in the gales. I saw R.T. Hawk and his pale mate (the red-tailed hawk pair) riding the thermals together.

R.T. started to glide over the creek toward town, and then he saw me watching him. He circled all the way back and flew right toward me. He turned into the wind and pumped his wings, so that he was hovering in one place right above me. He looked at me in the eyes for several seconds! Then he turned and flew on his way. I don't know what made him fly over to see me.

I haven't seen any hawk juveniles around this year.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

Nokota Wild Horses on the prairie in North Dakota
Labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Good afternoon.  A colder frost this morning, then a dry sunny day, but with bitterly cold wind.  We were at church this morning, and then went outside to work, but after a couple of small jobs in the greenhouse, I am now on strike, while OH splits and repots another Hosta.

    Diane – thanks for starting our new week, with the picture of the beautiful Wild Horses.  I think RT Hawk had missed seeing you go out, so was scolding you when you came back, telling you off for being out in such wild weather!  I am amazed that they would already have young (if any this year) in all the recent wintry conditions.

    Annette – not surprised you were tired last night after the long drive in such changeable conditions.  I hope you wake refreshed and have an easier journey to Prescott and the family there.

    Linda – I read the Golden Eagle news from the Lake District earlier in the week; such a sad story of a regal bird who never found a mate in all his twenty years – he should have come further north to find one. 

    Brenda – sorry you had been to a funeral during the week.  I was surprised that your OH’s biopsy was big enough for two stitches; I hope his mouth will soon be less sore.  It must be quite difficult thinking of suitable meals, with his already restricted diet!  Sorry your friend is still awaiting decisions about her heart problem.

    I think I might now phone dau#2 – I don’t think she will be gardening either, as I believe it is equally unpleasant up there!  We are shopping in Asda (Carlisle) tomorrow, and have booked lunch at OTB to have a look at the new manager.  Then we hope to get down to Caerlaverock on Tuesday – Whoopers have almost all gone back to Iceland, but Barnies not yet left for Svarlbard.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Brenda:   Sorry about your OH, he is having a rotten time.  Hopefully the biopsy will be clear and you can get back to normal, soon. 

    OG:   We had very bright sunshine first thing, then when we went out for a 15 min drive to get to where we wanted to walk the dog, it hailed!!  We waited for it to go over, and then had an enjoyable stroll along a path with lots of walkers, cyclists and even some horses.  One gripe, though, is that quite often cyclists come up behind you very silently, and then are cross when you nearly collide - why on earth don't bikes have bells any more??

    Had a lunch and rest, then tackled a few small jobs:  our Eldest is coming again tonight, just in passing.  Hope to ask him what on earth he wants for his birthday!!  The sun is bright again, now, and the garden looks very springlike with a few colours, and some tulips opening.  My fritillaries are particularly happy, they must have liked the spring rain we had.

  • Right, I'm sitting with a cuppa, so here are the last of the pics of our holiday.

    There is a famous surfing beach on the coast near us, and we went to look down from the cliff at the young 'uns tackling the waves.  We found this on the edge of the cliffs, which was not there last year:

       ~~  ~~   It is a complete skeleton of a whale!  At first, I thought it was another art installation, but the notice says that it is a complete and real skeleton, taken from a whale which was found washed up on the nearby shore after some Naval exercises a few years ago: unfortunately, there were two whales who must have got confused by the disruptive signals.  It is a "Beaked Whale" because of its jaw formation.  (female)

    This is a nearby watchtower, built on the edge of the cliffs hundreds of years ago:  I've probably put pictures of it on here before in previous years.  It's in the background of one of my previous pictures yesterday.  It was built on the foundations and cellars of an even older tower, so is very ancient in origin.  In these islands, there are many examples of the conflicts in the past from invaders and pirates. A lot of the larger towns are built inland so that they cannot be pillaged too easily, and invaders have to trek in from the coast.

    This last one is of the surfing beach, the coast stretches for miles beyond it, and we sometimes set out on foot to explore it along the cliffs,  but have to turn back after a couple of miles!

  • EDIT:  We did not do that this year, as the wind was so strong we might have got blown off the edge of the cliffs!!  Very exposed there, and just a stony track.

  • Hello all -

    Another quite cold day here so no work in the garden. There are several things that we must do, hopefully before we leave on Friday, for Shropshire and Arabella's christening. We are at the stage of reducing garden work, each year we think long and hard about what we can cut out. It isn't what we would wish, but it seems sensible to think ahead. So, this year, we will reduce the number of standard fuchsias. Next year we may decide to pave over the front garden but leaving some spaces for roses.

    We have just had to refuse a wedding invitation. OH's great niece. We will only be home from Denmark a couple of days before the wedding. We only got the invitation the usual six weeks before the event but OH and I plan things long in advance!

    DIANE - I think that you and the RTH have a relationship! I will say no more...

    ANNETTE - You must be tired, both from driving and the great pleasure of being with your sister. Isn't it strange, how lovely things can be exhausting?!

    LINDY - More lovely pics! I must admit that I didn't think that Fuerteventura would be so interesting. Because I have only been to Tenerife in the Canaries, I tend to think of desert, cacti and not much else. Although, as you say, the North of Tenerife is more green and lush.

    BRENDA - Sympathy to your OH, sore cheek, not a lot of pleasure from food:-(

  • Just caught up with the news that B24 has laid an egg before Glesni, at Dyfi. Yes, it is Monty's.

  • Heather B said:

    DIANE - I think that you and the RTH have a relationship! I will say no more...

    Heather: I could do worse. And have...

    I suspect that hawk has more loyalty than my ex-husband. LOL!!!

  • That would be why he's your ex-husband.  Birds are so much cooler than an ex-anything.  Red tailed hawks are particularly cool.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • What a lot of shenagins going on in Wales..

    Hope all goes well with solo mum..

    Daisy perkier so hope ful of smaller dressing tomorrow .

    Outside jobs done furniture pressure washed but have decided to donate one table to wood burner and purchase new.