Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 17 April 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here.

I meant to tell you all this story.

Early last week, during the very high winds, I had to go north for groceries. I was unloading my shopping and struggling to walk in the gales. I saw R.T. Hawk and his pale mate (the red-tailed hawk pair) riding the thermals together.

R.T. started to glide over the creek toward town, and then he saw me watching him. He circled all the way back and flew right toward me. He turned into the wind and pumped his wings, so that he was hovering in one place right above me. He looked at me in the eyes for several seconds! Then he turned and flew on his way. I don't know what made him fly over to see me.

I haven't seen any hawk juveniles around this year.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

Nokota Wild Horses on the prairie in North Dakota
Labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • The job will indeed fit around Minsmere.  It's quite odd......the fact I do Minsmere made the job hunt much harder, but at the same time it contributed to my getting this job so everything worked out for the best!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Very well done Clare, delighted for you. Sending special thoughts to Margo and hope she's feeling better from her chest infection.

    Kind regards


  • Good Morning Everyone. Sunny intervals with white cloud.

    Margo says," I am feeling a bit better, but stamina now a big problem for me."

    We hope  to speak on the phone when she feels able. 

  • Good Morning, all

    BRENDA - Thank you for news of MARGO. I wonder if she is able to look at the cameras sometimes, do hope so.

    A lovely morning, here. I heard last night that my brother is arriving here next Tuesday, the day after we get back from Shropshire.

  • Just trying it out, LINDY!!
  • Good afternoon all delighted to hear that both Claire and Diane have been able to find employment after all this time but they do say everything comes to those who wait.

    Another lovely day here bed changed washed out on the line and dry by lunch time now only guest bed to do if weather stays as nice as it has been these last few days. I will also try and give the grass it's second cut before it gets too long again.

    I am going to another demonstration dinner at the Waterfront on Thursday evening so will go easy on food during the day.

    Margo my thoughts are with you and your O/H and I hope you soon will be able to get out for a nice breakfast overlooking the sea. I hope everyone else keeps well and the sun keeps shinning.

    george g

  • Wow George, you have been industrious and plans for more washing and grass cutting.
    Do enjoy your dinner on Thursday. The last one you attended, sounded excellent.

    Heather, It is going to be a busy time for you. The Christening and then entertaining your brother. As they say, "Stay calm".

  • BRENDA- I am trying to 'stay calm and carry on'!! Just don't know what the agenda is :-( It isn't the christening that I refer to, as I'm sure that you realise!

  • All the talk of souvenir wedding wear made me quite envious of the size of wardrobes people must have to be able to store redundant outfits!  I wore a neat grey and navy dress for Dau#1’s wedding which I got good use from afterwards; I had a yellow dress and navy patterned jacket for Dau#2 which was much less useful; worst thing was, I was persuaded to buy a hat, which I actually wore for both – can’t think why I got the darn thing!  I still use the handbag (which I used for both) although the weddings were 29 and 27 years ago!

    Clare – so glad the new job fits in with your Minsmere hours; that is a real bonus.  I hope you will be working with pleasant colleagues and enjoy the work.

    Lynette – pleased to see your OH’s wee op went well.

    AQ – so often an injury makes arthritis flare in that area; I do hope you can control the pain.  I hope you were able to enjoy the outing with your friend driving, and didn’t strain the joints or wrist using the camera.

    Brenda – thanks for message from Margo.  Sorry to see she is having trouble finding stamina to do much; was she due a transfusion today?

    Heather – bad timing by your brother – couldn’t you delay a day or two to recover from the trip to Shropshire?

    George – good to hear from you again; it sounds as if you have found more energy with the better weather, but I hope you aren’t doing too much!  Enjoy your demonstration dinner on Thursday!

    Our shopping trip went well yesterday, and then we had a soup and sandwich lunch at the OTB; both had the tomato soup then I had the goat’s cheese with caramelised onions in local brown bread, while OH had prawns in a wrap.  In the evening, we went to an EGM of our National Trust for Scotland local group; sadly this was to vote on the closure of the group due to lack of support – mainly because there are no young ones coming along to replace the hard-working but aging committee.

    Today was a lovely warm, sunny day, with very little wind, so we went to WWT Caerlaverock as hoped.  As I said last week, the Ospreys aren’t using the camera nest, although they are still around, but there was a raptor on it when we watched the still-active footage on the café screen: a Buzzard brought along her lunch and used the nest as a picnic table!  We started by walking the wet woodland trail to see some Barnies in a far field, Ducks and Moorhen on the ponds, and mainly Finches in the feeder area.  For lunch we both had sweet potato and parsnip soup and a haggis and cheese toastie.  Then we went to the top of the observatory (there is a lift!) to look out across the site; we saw Lapwing and Barnies, again distant, but there wasn’t much happening either down on the merse or on the folly pond, so we settle down where we were with cameras, binoculars and telescope overlooking the swan pond.  No Swans, but we had a wonderful hour watching a Cormorant, fishing very successfully for a very long time.  I will post some photos tomorrow, I hope, when we seem to have a day at home.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!