As I'm not usually up this late, I'll take the honour of starting the thread.
Snow, beautiful snap by Scyllaan unringed intruder vid by Scylla
and a BIG WHOLE fish (my pics) were yesterday's highlights.
Lets hope for an intruder free day, better weather and lots of fish :)
Birdie Num Num's brilliant DU summary 2017
That was a brief call. She is silent again now.
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018
Hi all, catching up for today, glad that EJ had her fish last night and again this morning. Looks like another nice day there. Odin certainly is doing his duties sitting on the eggs whilst EJ has her breaks.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
I love when she looks at the camera with her wind swept look.
He's just brought in half a tree and it was poking EJ In the bum hehe so she had enough of that and flew off.
17.49 Odin snoozes on the job
but not for long
What's that?
Nothing to worry about
Hi all. Odin was happily nibbling on a branch
When EJ landed
off he goes
18.53 EJ is calling, and looking with a meaningful look... fish may be, but not necessarily so
EJ is gently calling for fish.
She's stopped calling and is nodding