Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 10 April 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here. I left two long posts on the end of last week's thread, and others had posts, too.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

These are endangered American White Pelicans like the ones that are waiting out the bad weather on the lake down the road from me, so they can again fly north to their breeding area.

American White Pelicans
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service government photo
Labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • ps Bonnie has not been sick, yet!

  • Blimey, Lindy - how long will you give her to be sick before you need to head for bed??

    I'm so glad we keep birds.  It's very funny to watch them pooing on Limpy's bald spot.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Oh dear Lindy but I sure all will be revield later..

  • In bed now, and Bonnie is, too -- fingers crossed that she is not ill in the night!  I think if it had been something rather dangerous, she would have brought it up right away: dogs are more efficient than we are, at getting rid of unpleasant things!

    Sorry to keep boring on about one subject, shan't mention her over the weekend unless there is a dramatic event!

  • Just catching up with all your news - Diane, that is great news and do hope it works out for you and that there will be further assignments.

    Belated Anniversary wishes Lindy from me too.

    OG and OH so diligent about the gardening,afraid I do as little as possible.

    Just had a bit of a scare with dau. She seems to have contracted what I had which has been a viral cough which has nearly gone but have had it for about 4 wks. now.  Had to take her down to our local 111 clinic as she felt she was getting an asthma attack. Had to wait about 40mins from the time we were given, turns out her chest was clear but to up her inhaler puffs and keep on top of a possible full blown attack while she fights the virus. Thankfully didn't need a nebulizer. Got back about 12.30am.

  • Annette - do enjoy your time with your sister and her OH. Nice that she eventually made it out there.

    AQ - Hope you enjoyed your Indian meal and that your wrist is making a good recovery.

  • Brenda - That will be lovely for you, all together before the big day for dau.  

    As you can see I am still catching up with news.

    AQ - interesting for hubby of dau. Let's see if he copes. Sorry Indian was not up to scratch but hope your OH enjoyed his second Indian meal.

    Well it seems its all go for OH's minor op on Monday to have the basel cell carcinoma removed from his ear (its just on the outer part) and hopefully hasn't spread any deeper.  Has to be at the hospital for 8.15am so am hoping Dau will have recovered enough to take him.

    Take care all, forecast for the weekend is for a colder blast.

  • Evening all:  We are on museum overload this evening.  Went to the Georgia O'Keeffe museum, which had more photos of her and Alfred Stiegliz and friends than paintings, so disappointing for us - and apparently for a couple of German tourists we chatted to.  This afternoon we went to the Wheelwright Museum of the American Indian and the Museum of Indian Arts & Culture - both truly impressive. Then back to the hotel for free sherry and tea, then naps, then out for light dinner and now all tucked up in respective beds.

    Lindybird: A seriously belated happy anniversary!

    Lynette: I had exactly the same thing with my (much talked about - by me!) viral infection earlier this year which, like most, goes to my lungs. I also went to doc and was told to up my inhaler, which I did for a couple of weeks. 

    Heather: Fingers crossed no emergencies with Amy. It really is ridiculous that schools can't give even the most basic care to kiddies these days - all this fear of liability negates good old common sense.

    Diane: No chance to watch the video; I'll try to remember for quite nights at home next month!

    Margo: Hope you're feeling at least a little better. Hugs to you.

    Thanks ALL for posts and news.

    Long drive tomorrow back to AZ, then to Prescott Valley the next day to meet up with that part of the family.

  • Good Morning:  opened the curtains today to bright sunshine, whilst hearing about the snow which fell in the night in the Midlands!  Also sadly, the dreadful casualty figures describing the earthquake in Japan, poor souls.

    Dog seems OK today - they're tougher than we think!

    Spending a quiet weekend, trying to keep going on my To Do list, which includes sorting press cuttings which have been stored willy nilly, but include some interesting recipes which you think you Might Try Some Day! :-D

    Glad to see that Annette is enjoying herself with the family. Safe journey on your long drive.

    Sorry about your daughter, Lynette: hope all is OK now.

    Everyone, have a good weekend.

  • (Just Googled Georgia O'Keeffe, as felt I ought to know her, and realised that I recognise at least, the Rams Head picture and the style of the flower pictures. What a life she had!)