Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 10 April 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here. I left two long posts on the end of last week's thread, and others had posts, too.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

These are endangered American White Pelicans like the ones that are waiting out the bad weather on the lake down the road from me, so they can again fly north to their breeding area.

American White Pelicans
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service government photo
Labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • A very Happy Anniversary, Linda and your OH. So good that you enjoyed your meal. If you can't be naughty on your anniversary...................

  • Hi, all. Weather has now turned warm and sunny -- predicted to be near 80 F or 26.6 C on Sunday and Monday. So I have no excuse not to mow.  :-(

    Lindy: Happy anniversary. Your meal sounds lovely. I loved your poem you posted. Your ceramic goats are ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL. I just loved them. So sweet!

    Tina: The boxer dog I had was quite a character. If I yelled at him, he would sulk until I got down on the floor and made a lengthy apology showing sufficient remorse. He would roll his eyes and mull over my words before finally forgiving me, jumping up, and kissing my nose. LOL LOL

    Brenda: Best wishes on the wedding. I hope it's everything your daughter hopes. I got married on a cliff at the local state park/forest. I found out later that the poor minister had a fear of heights and was miserable. LOL

    George: Nice to see you. I know that I would take the train to LG. I love trains.

    OG: Those photos from your garden are so, so beautiful!!!

    Heather: I hope you're enjoying selecting your new kitchen items. Oh, how I envy you...!!! Very interesting about your father. I'm looking forward to more of his story.

    AQ: Sorry your wrist is still so sore.

    dibnlib: 34 lengths!! I could do 1...maybe. LOL I swim like a rock.

    Annette: Your trip sounds wonderful so far. I'd like to see that area of the country. Sorry you had to replace your battery, but I'm glad it was before you reached the more remote areas of your trip! Safe travels to all and enjoy your family!!!

    Best wishes to Margo.

    Be back later to share some very good news from my life!

  • Hello all-

    ANNETTE and BRENDA, I fear that you may be correct regarding my bro. Waiting to hear his latest plans.

    TINA- regarding bosses- can only agree. Been there:-(

    AQ- I hope that the next curry is better! It will be interesting to hear how your OH got on as a singlehanded carer---

    OG- See that you and EE are social butterflies again! My OH is snoring, after dinner, he has been bowling and then fence painting. We just don't manage to go out in the evenings, now.

    It has been coldish here again, today. Heating on, can't believe it this far into the year.  

    LINDY- It sounds as if Bonnie is calming down! Nice that your SiL is happy to share care with you x

    A week tomorrow we will be going to Shropshire for Bella' s christening. I haven't anything to wear. Will have to force myself (!) to go shopping next week.

  • LINDY   Happy anniversary, glad you enjoyed your meal out. It is our anniversary in a couple of weeks. Hard to believe it is 36 years!!!

  • DIBNLIB- meant to say, we will get our kitchen from Howdens. I hope all will go well.

  • Okay, I'm back because I wanted to share my good news with you all. I have rarely talked about my personal life lately, because -- frankly -- it's been kind of a rough road. That may be changing, though.

    I was offered and have accepted a freelance contract to write a long document for a national not-for-profit organization that does very effective and valuable work throughout the U.S. I prepared a portfolio of samples of my writing, and then I interviewed with their executives. It's a 3-month contract, and they mentioned the possibility of doing further work for them in the near future.

    I am relieved and delighted. This is an important national project and could give me a real boost in resurrecting my career. I'm very happy that it also serves the greater good.

    I'm on Cloud 9! Thanks for listening!

  • Bird Club last evening was as good as expected – last one of the season, as they are now into summer trips which we don’t partake.   Have shared on another thread that the news seems to be that there are Ospreys at Caerlaverock this year, but not using the camera nest or the new nest.  Planning to visit soon, so will find out any added news then!  Were out for lunch today, church “Soup and Sweet”.  I had Veg Soup and it was quite light, so I followed it with Sticky Toffee Pud.  OH had Minestrone and then Banoffee Pie.  Been gardening all afternoon.  He is trying to reorganise the perennials, and I was “pricking out” annual seedlings – why do I need 32 Calendulas?  It was a dry day, but not very warm.

    George – that cold and lingering cough seems to have affected most of us in the last few weeks, sorry you had it too, and I hope the cough will soon go.  Pleased to see your Son and DiL called in; good luck deciding on the best travel plan for Loch Garten!

    Dibnlib – wedding in a tepee sounds a bit of a squeeze, but maybe they come in different sizes these days!  I hope Benson enjoyed today’s walk with his Doggy Friends!

    Tina – your work sounds interesting but very demanding.  Sorry team meetings and the like get in the way of the “real” job.

    Heather – I hope your Brother will not worry you further if he does go ahead with a visit.  Your OH’s bowling and fence painting add up to a lot for one day – I try to keep to only one out-of-the-ordinary activity in any day, and I am much younger than him!  That christening date has crept up quickly; I hope your clothes-shopping trip will be successful – will you take a Daughter along for a second opinion?

    Wendy – I hope Daisy is recovering well from her cyst being removed, and is tolerating the lampshade!

    Brenda – nice that you will be together with both your children for the night before Daughter’s wedding – sounds a good plan. 

    Linda – sounds as if Bonnie is more contented to be contained in the garden now – especially when she smells good things around the compost bins!  I hope she was good again today while “helping” your OH!  Belated congratulations to you and OH on your anniversary – pleased you were happy with your celebratory lunch.

    Annette – I hope you met up successfully with your visitors, and are having a wonderful time already.

    AQ – sorry the meal was a disappointment; I guess you will be going elsewhere next time!  I hope your OH survived being left with the twins - BTW, what is a “break-up” that your daughter was at?

    Diane – sorry the dreaded mowing has finally caught up with you – I know it is a huge area to keep done.  Hearty congratulations on the work success – you have done really well to get it, on merit, after so long out of work and I do hope it leads to further offers.  Well done!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Dianne cloud 9 is an amazing place to be... Enjoy that brilliant moment xx

  • OG Daisy totally out of it as its was more of an op than we first thought..

    Stitches bandages which are pink and very girlie. These cannot get wet or she has to go back for new. Tesco freezer bags and tape working well . Return on Monday for new dressings and 10 days of very boring lead walks.

    Chilly day here with snow overnight so they keep telling me but we will just wait and see.

  • Just come on and seen DIANE'S exciting post -  how wonderful, Diane, I'm so thrilled for you!  Congrats!!