Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 10 April 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here. I left two long posts on the end of last week's thread, and others had posts, too.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

These are endangered American White Pelicans like the ones that are waiting out the bad weather on the lake down the road from me, so they can again fly north to their breeding area.

American White Pelicans
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service government photo
Labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Lots of posts from everyone today: nice to hear from you, George, but sorry you're feeling weary. I too, can see your dilemma over whether or not to take the train to LG. You do have some weeks to think about it.

    Brenda - How exciting to plan a wedding. I agree that some people's idea of 'small' is not the same as others, LOL!!

    My sis-in-law was as excited as we were, when we got our puppy. She didn't want the expense and the commitment (such as arrangements needing to be made when going away, etc) of having a dog of her own, but loves sharing ours. When she got to know Bonnie, she fell in love with her. So she is quite happy to have her for us, and to have the garden reinforced!!!  Bonnie had an exciting morning today, as she must have thought she saw a mouse or something near the compost containers in our garden, and so started scrabbling about - this disturbed our nesting pair of Blackbirds, who made a lot of noise and dive bombed her from the nearby hedge!! They really wern't happy, so my OH had to go out and fetch her indoors.

    We only got a dog, after saying we would not have another, because we knew that sis in law would share in her care.

    Tina - You have a nicely varied job, I think. I suppose patients must all be very different. Please don't think you have to reply to each & every post on here, it would be impossible, and no one will be offended if you don't mention them :-)

  • Evening all:  Seemed like a very long drive today, but only because I haven't driven the road in 30 years.  Went through the southeastern corner of the Navajo Nation and then by several Indian pueblos. Lots of very sad history there...

    Tonight, tucked up in bed in Santa Fe.  Sister and BiL are on train and currently ahead of schedule, so hope no hiccups the rest of the way.

    Brenda: Not pleased to hear that Margo is still under the weather. I forgot the nature of neighbor's illness; how long will he be out of commission? Daughter's wedding will keep you all busy; hope she manages to keep it small.

    dibnlib:  34 laps?? Amazing.  Wedding in a tepee? Even more amazing!

    AQ: Hope you didn't get into a fight with the bajii and butter chicken.

    OG: Sounds like things are buzzing at your house, what with J playing fast and loose with the whiskey sauce. :-)  Macaroni pie does sound like carb overload.

    George: That bug seems to have been round the globe. I had a cough for weeks after my head cold ended. I suggest you take the path of least resistance to LG (train?).  

    Tina: Those electric gates can be tricky; glad you made it through okay.  

    Heather:  Hmmm, not sure what to say about bro's possible visit. Perhaps he's on a mission (per Brenda's post).

    Wendyb:  You can come and clean out our garage when you're through with yours. It was fairly organized, then as sister's visit got closer, all kinds of things ended up in there - temporarily of course!

    Lindybird: Fingers crossed Bonnie is settling down a bit.

    Sister and BiL due tomorrow afternoon, so may not be posting much for the next week (but will be reading!).  Take care all.

  • Good Morning, All. Nice to come onto the boards today and see that EJ has triumphantly produced a 3rd egg!

    Good that all's going to plan for your sister's visit, Annette - enjoy yourselves and don't worry about posting!  (I find it achingly sad that the Indian population were treated so shabbily in your wonderful country).

    Back later, must go get hosed down early today.....

  • Dinner wasn’t up to expectations. The butter chicken was fine but our starters – onion bajji (moi) & lentil pakoras (OH) were large and stodgy. OH’s prawn curry was adequate, prawns very small. Never mind, OH can go to a real Indian restaurant for lunch tomorrow . . . if he survives today’s nanny duty. Last day [already?] of term 1 at Miss4’s kindy and Dau is away at a breakup, leaving OH alone with twins for an hour. WooHoo. I’d like to be a fly on the wall.

  • Oh, drat!  AQ - how disappointing.  Hope your OH copes alright with twins...... at least he'll know how hard it is for you, when you take a turn!

  • Good Morning Everyone. More cloud this morning, but the sun is trying to burst through. Heavy rain this evening and overnight, so OH wants to cut the grass again, before grass feed and moss killer is applied.

    Annette, It will be interesting to hear what your total mileage for this trip will be. Enjoy your time with your sister and her OH.
    Neighbour had his gall bladder removed, but developed an abcess after his return home, which meant he was on a pump for four days. He was suffering with the pain for some time before they finally readmitted him to hospital and it had become an extremely serious situation. Obviously, an enquiry is now taking place.

    AQ, Sorry about your disappointing meal. Best wishes to your OH for his nanny duty, when left on his own.

    Dibnlib, A tepee wedding does sound very different.  Well done on your 34 lengths of the pool.

  • Its been wet here again, after a glorious day here yesterday:  it was almost like a summer's day!  Had a good chat to Friend, and arranged to meet her for an outing next week.  She is recovering well from her knee op, and doing all that she's been told about keeping moving.

    My OH had to cancel his golf yet again, as his partner is not keen on playing in the drizzle - since then, its cleared up somewhat.  Just now he is busy in the garden, mending the lost grouting between some of our crazy paving which just encourages weeds to grow between the slabs.  Bonnie has been watching him intently through the window, but is now out there 'helping!'  I'm trying to catch up on housework but get distracted by dusting the many family pictures I have, and rearranging them. 

    Brenda:  How dreadful for your neighbour:  he really shouldn't have had to get to such a stage where it was so serious. Hope he is going to be OK.

    We saw our neighbour yesterday, and the house next door is to remain empty for some time:  the new buyers called off when they saw the question mark over the possibility of development, and I suppose I can't blame them when they were probably buying the house for the view. So it's going back on the market.  How many other people will be happy to buy when no promises can be made about the future plans yet, remains to be seen.

  • AQ I think your OH is a very brave man!

    TINA/BRENDA/ANNETTE  I made it sound as if it was friends idea to have a teepee wedding, not so, it was her daughters. It would appear that 3 teepee are linked together to provide for wedding ceremony and reception. It will take place in a teepee friendly? field with everything needed already in situ. It does sound like fun and I do look forward to seeing the pics.

    Benson refused his am walk again as it was damp. This afternoon is much brighter and so I am sure he will cooperate esp as we will be walking with friend and Hippo (a paterdale/cocker) and Alfie the boxer.  LINDY  your OHs golfing partner sounds like Benson.

  • Good afternoon everyone.

    Turned out to be a lovely afternoon after a very wet morning.

    I shouted at Indie before I left for work, due to her over excitement and continually getting under foot, possibly thinking that I was walking her! she then scurried off to her basket, no eye contact :-(

    I felt awful all day, not sure why I worried, she was her usual bouncy self on my return with cuddly toy in her mouth, which is normal for her. Dogs who would have them.

    Team meeting this afternoon has put me in a grumpy mood which I cannot shake off! love the job but not the politics that goes with it.

    Our locality team are not sure how to take our new boss, she has an extremely dry sense of humour, difficult to work out if she's joking or not.

    OH is out tonight so I will put my feet up and hope there is something worth watching on television.

    Lindy - thank you, sometimes I feel I need to put pen to paper to remember everyone's daily updates.

    I am now going to catch up with the Osprey nests.

    Take care everyone :-)

  • Tina - I think dogs have rather short memories :-)   - and of course if you act naturally, she will think you are not cross anymore, anyway!

    We've been out to lunch, as it's our anniversary today. We decided on a pub we've not been to for a year or so, and heard that they've updated their menu. There are a great many pubs which do good food around here, so there is a lot of competition. We thought we'd rather have a pud than a starter, and so went straight into our main course: My OH had braised liver & onions with mash, and I had Pie of the Day ("handmade, with peas and gravy"!) and on enquiry it turned out to be Steak & Ale Pie. All delicious.  Then my OH had Spotted Dick Steamed Pud with custard, and I had Cheesecake, which was an unusual choc & mint combination. It arrived with a pretty strawberry and some icecream. Really naughty!

    Of course, we sat down with a cup of tea when we got home, and because of our glass of wine ....Zzzzzzzzz