Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 10 April 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here. I left two long posts on the end of last week's thread, and others had posts, too.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

These are endangered American White Pelicans like the ones that are waiting out the bad weather on the lake down the road from me, so they can again fly north to their breeding area.

American White Pelicans
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service government photo
Labeled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • First time swimming for a couple of weeks. Despite still having the after effects of a cold, I still managed 34 lengths. A bit of bumbling, then coffee with a friend and home by bus. Wonder if the weather will stay dry for a walk with Benson (the shirker) this afternoon!!!

    Sorry to hear that Margo is still suffering with a cold. Get well soon to her.

  • Good to hear from Brenda - I thought you might be busy, and not had time to post.  Thank you for news of Margo, who I suppose finds it harder than the rest of us to shake off her cold.

    Dibnlib -  Well done on doing so many lengths!

    Been out to several places with my OH, and got some things ticked off the lists. Off now to visit Friend, who has been away at a funeral in the South. Not seen her for a bit anyway, as didn't want to give her my head cold.

  • Good to see you, Brenda – I didn’t phone as I guessed you would be busy in the garden.  Good of you and OH to look after neighbour’s grass too.  Exciting news about your Daughter’s wedding date being arranged – I hope reception arrangements fall conveniently into place.  Will the ceremony be at your church, or nearer where she lives?  Thanks for news of Margo; she is obviously dragged right down by that cold.

    Dibnlib – well done swimming that far with the after-effects of your cold.  I hope Benson was more willing this afternoon!

    Linda – always good to be able to tick a few things off lists!

    Weather has dried somewhat (and almost sunny), but being wet under foot anyway OH has decided to do more pressure-washing of paths before we shower ready to go out later.  He’s done the ones in the veg garden at the side, and now doing path across the back, including doorsteps – will only leave the decking to be done, and then I suppose that will need wood treatment again!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Shall I wear my gloves for the dog walk, so I didn't. How I wish I had. My hands were purple by the time we had finished and the rain had come on, so glad we went out when we did, otherwise Benson would have declined again!!!

  • Good afternoon everyone haven't been on for a while but have had a very bad cold and been coughing a lot so just did not feel I had enough energy to do very much. The cough is still with me and when I cough my whole body seems to be painful.

    Whine over, I have had a visit from son and his wife who stopped over on their way down south to her brother and also the person who was their best man when they got married. I had to pick them up from Ferrytoll as they get a bus from the airport to there but the roads roundabout there are something to be desired as they are doing the road works for the new bridge.

    I am sorry to read that Margo is still not over her cold which is really hampering her for doing the things that her and her O/H want to do. I feel a whimp complaining when you realise the battle that she is fighting.

    I tried to cut my grass but had to give up half way through as I had left it to get  a bit too long and it was also still wet and it was jamming the mower so I have only got half of it cut and the type of weather we are getting I do not know when I am going to get the rest done.

    Thinking of making a visit to L/G in June but don't know whether to drive up or get the train and then get son to take me down to L/G

    I hope everyone get over their ailments and enjoys the return of the ospreys

    george g

  • BRENDA  friend is flying down south on Friday to see her daughter who is getting married in August. She has decided on a wedding in a teepee and everything has been organised by daughter. Friend has only seen an empty teepee so they are going to a wedding fair where they will see how the whole set up will be. Should be fun.

  • Good afternoon

    beautiful day here, I could not wait to finish work and take Indie out for a walk.

    Work has been very busy, so many folk having elective orthopaedic surgery, so a brisk walk was a blessing.

    One patients wife started to get a little irritated with me, because was struggling to work the electric gate! every time I moved the car the gate began to close, I was getting paranoid that I wouldnt  get through without causing damage to my car. I smiled through gritted teeth, turned out to be a delightful call in the end.

    Other than that, OH sat in all day waiting for the glass splash back to arrive, relief it turned up, so its now behind the cooker looking lovely.

    dibnlib, the thought of staying in a teepee would be my idea of bliss! sounds great fun holding a wedding reception in one.

    34 lengths, wonderful, I talk about returning to swimming but have yet to get back to it, great exercise.

    Annette, your trip sounds amazing.

    Margo, sorry to read she is still feeling under the weather.

    Sorry if Ive not replied to everyone.

    Off now to think about dinner later, washing to sort out first.

    I will catch up with every ones posts.

  • Hello all

    Yes, DIBNLIB, a very cold wind here today!

    No outside work for us, a little shopping and back inside the house. Can't wait for warmer weather.

    Nice to hear from George and to hear news via BRENDA about MARGO. She really is having trouble shaking off this virus. And sleeping so much. Very worrying, hope that she has plenty of pillowsxx

    I have no news :-( Except that my brother might come and visit us. Lovely, but I'd rather he concentrated on his home affairs!

  • Chilly here as well Heather ... A day of washing ironing and further uses for my amazing pressure washer.

    Daisy off to vets in the morning for a cyst to be removed from I between her toes on a front paw... Luckily whilst out she will have an MOT and a pedicure!! So a quiet few days which will probably include the lamp shade.

    Heather maybe brother is taking the Ostrich approach to life.

    My shed is now very clean and reducing bird feed to just peanuts and Niger seeds so all redundant feeders clean. I lazily put them all through a very hot wash in the dishwasher.

    Plans for the weekend include having winter tyres off so be assured of snow. OH garage needs a seeing to and trust me I can be very savage when it comes to storage.

    Anybody know of anyone who needs a 9 foot Christmas tree that's not been used for 5 years :-))))

  • OG, Daughter will be married at her own parish church, which she attends.  My OH and I, plus our son and his wife will stay the night before with her, at her house and her groom is being sent back to his parents. lol  

    George, Sorry you have felt so bad with a cold. Good that you have seen your son and his wife. To drive to LG would give you independence, but the train would be less tiring for you. 

    Wendy, I did notice that snow is possible by the end of the week. 

    Heather, Pleased to see that you have been looking at kitchens. Do enjoy the experience. It is not something we do very often.
    I am sure your brother and yourself, both want to see each other, but it sounds that maybe you are going to have to be strong when It comes to money matters. 

    Linda, Happy to read that you were happy with Bonnie's behaviour. You are very lucky to have a SiL, who is prepared to have her fence reinforced for Bonnie. I can honestly say that my OH's sister would not be prepared to do that for us. I know you must be most grateful, though.