Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 3 April 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here. Check back, because there were a lot of new, long posts at the end of the thread.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

  • Been to visit sis-in-law and catch up on news. Also my OH has done a full tour of inspection of her garden, to agree on extra measures to try and keep Bonnie contained in future. He is going to construct a new front gate too. Sis-in-law had someone's dog with her this weekend, a lovely cocker spaniel called Daisy, who crept upon my knee when I sat on the sofa!

    Bought some pansies this morning to put into an empty tub in the garden, to look cheerful. Must go and put them in now, then write some emails which I've been trying to find time for all week.

  • Heather - like the sound of your expensive mixer, LOL!!

  • Good morning, all. Well, it's morning on my patch.

    Margo: I'm glad your chest has improved, but I'm so sorry you're still suffering. It's wonderful that you are getting such good care. I hope you will get to watch the ospreys and follow the season now.

    dibnlib: I hope Benson will be fine.

    Lindy: I hope the development around you will not ruin your lovely views. Your cheery photos of the spring flowers were beautiful! Glad your boiler didn't need to be replaced.

    Tina: How wonderful to see the owls!!! I envy you. I had Great Horned Owls and Screech Owls here for many years. The Screech Owls have disappeared, and the GHOs have been replaced by Barred Owls, which I also love. I rarely see them, but I hear them and they leave pellets on my deck. I would love your world map mural. I adore maps, and I have a framed U.S. bird migration route map on my living room wall.

    OG: I'm glad that you are recovering well now. So happy that you are able to get out and about. Enjoy your Arts Centre lunch. I hope the food and service at OTB won't change after the manager's departure. I know how much you enjoy that place.

    Heather: I hope your son-in-law will be able to keep his job. Waiting to hear the verdict must be so stressful for him and his co-workers. Hope your OH is no longer feeling dizzy. Glad you had a lovely day in Elgin. To be honest, I might have avoided your table, too, but only because children are really drawn to me. I've had them join me at my table in restaurants, crawl into my lap on buses, and stop me for long conversations in grocery stores. I've never understood their reaction to me. I love kids, but I'm not very maternal at all, and I've never had children myself so I always feel a little awkward.

    LizLFW/Annette: I love the Shetland Islands. After I saw your exchange, I tried to find a place online where I could watch the TV series. I agree with you, Annette, about U.K. crime programs. Even with my brother's passwords, I couldn't find a place to access it. I'll keep trying. I have watched nature and cultural programs and webcams on their official website.

  • Brenda: I'm so sorry you have several friends who have been stricken with serious illnesses recently. Your poor OH must have been humiliated during the entire dog poo incident and negotiation. :-)

    AQ: I hope your wrist is better!

    Lynette: I'm so glad you enjoyed The Lion King. I hear it's quite a production.

    Annette: I had a huge laugh over your Sean Penn dream. I will refrain from any Freudian analysis. LOL LOL Maybe Mr. Penn found out that you are a TV star now. Congrats on the TV channel's coverage and recognition of your whale watching efforts. I so enjoyed your hummingbird photo.  What a stunning bird. They were my Mom's favorite. Sorry about Lightning's attempt to re-mark her territory. How frustrating. I hope you have a wonderful, meaningful visit with your sister. I know how much you miss her.

    Very cold here this weekend with continuing high winds. We may break historical records for cold. The polar vortex has decided to pay us a last lingering visit before real spring. Woodpeckers are drumming everywhere, though, preparing their nests.

    I'll be back later to start the new thread.

  • Morning all: No Sean Penn last night, either helping with potted plants or carpeting odors.  

    Lindybird: Well a cricket or rugby pitch would be better than three stories of "mixed use" development (commercial on the ground floor and housing up above) or houses built cheek by jowl.  Maybe you can find an endangered worm somewhere to  hang things up some more...

    Heather: No cooking is always good (at least from my standpoint).

    dibnlib: We have rain here again today; can't remember that in April either.  Not having had a dog, had no idea grapes can be a problem. Interesting.

    Diane: Thank you in advance for starting the new thread. I'm taking my laptop on my trip, so will be popping in.  Suspect you'll be getting the storm now passing overhead (mild by your standards).   Oh, and did you see Trump's new campaign manager? I thought he looked like a used-car salesman with a bad toupee; friend thought Mafioso.  

  • ANNETTE - Will look forward to you popping in but more importantly, enjoy your trip and your sister's company. I find myself wondering if Lightning is going to miss you and decide to pee all over your living room carpet. Your OH has probably decided to close that room up while you are away.....

    Thinking about AQ struggling on with one useful hand, and hoping that MARGO is feeling better.

    LINDY/BRENDA - What a pain, building works so near. You're right, though, a lot of folk moan and shout but don't actually DO anything.

    Had an email from sis in law this morning. Maybe as a diversion from their financial woes she is thinking of replying to an ad asking for people to tell of family mysteries, lost family etc. For a TV series. I told her that hell would freeze over before I would appear on TV but she is unfazed.(She was a game show hostess on ITV, in her youth). My father was a man of mystery, one day I'll bore you all to death and tell you.  Meantime, sis in law is asking me for info, what I know. Watch this space.

  • Looking back as far as yesterday evening!

    Dibnlib/Linda – I like watching Masterchef, but rarely do – TV is something I can take or leave – and more frequently leave!

    Brenda – not fully 100% but getting there!  Have to stretch myself towards that goal and make a big effort – for example, very tired now after a full (but interesting) day.

    Annette – I reckon you are right about Lightning reclaiming her territory; I hope it was a one-off occurrence!  Have a wonderful journey and visit with GD and MsD on your way to meet up with your folks from the UK!  Thanks for the photos of the beautiful (Ruby-throated or Anna’s?) Hummingbird among those stunning orange flowers by the fountain.

    Dibnlib – I am sure one single grape will not be enough to harm Benson, but can understand you worrying that it might.

    Heather – new food processor has no plastic blade, so am wondering if I will still be able to make shortbread as well as previously!  Getting excited waiting to hear about your Father, the "man of mystery” – do tell more!

    Linda – sorry you and OH have to go to more expense to Bonnie-proof his Sister’s garden!

    Diane – we too have cooler weather this weekend, but nothing like your polar vortex!  Today was sunny and pleasant, but not up to the recent double figures C.

    Well, the day started according to plan – collected dry-cleaning, enjoyed the exhibition and a quiche and salad lunch.  We were welcomed at the Aviation Museum when we delivered the five boxes of models, and given a free look around – including a peek into a workshop (not open to the public) to look at a large-scale model being reconstructed of a Sunderland Flying Boat.  We decided on a garden centre hot chocolate on the way home, and bought the next lot of lawn treatment at special price, as well as some half-price containers for the deck.  I also bought a very pretty scarf there.  So it was a very varied and enjoyable day out, rather than a quick trip to town!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG  glad to hear you are so much better now.

    thanks for everyones reassurances about Benson eating the grape. He would certainly appear to have no side effects. There are so many warnings about what dogs shouldn't eat now. It is quite scary.

    My cousin is now in a much smaller host very close to home and her OH is expecting she will be home very soon. Hate to say it but I think things will be very difficult for them both.

  • DIBNLIB - pleased your cousin is getting nearer to home, but, as you say, things will be difficult for the two of them; although I assume they will qualify for a lot of support in their home, with further adaptions as necessary.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Sounds like a very enjoyable day, OG!  Glad you got your pretty scarf.

    I got my plants in, and had a nice stroll around our small garden, pulling up weeds and noting which shrubs & plants have promising buds on. Then I dealt with some urgent emails, and sorted some of my photos:  pics of Gertie the Goat promised for tomorrow!! Perhaps even a bit of poetry!

    Heather -  I think nearly every family has skeletons in the cupboard, and mysteries!  Amazing things are admitted to sometimes when you speak to people. My grandfather on my father's side was what you'd call Quite a Character -  he went to USA at the time of the Depression,  and was much travelled, supposedly looking for work: most of the time with his weary wife trailing many miles behind him.  I'm sure I must have many relatives descended from him in USA!! LOL!!