Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 3 April 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here. Check back, because there were a lot of new, long posts at the end of the thread.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

  • Good Morning Everyone. Cloudy with very light rain.

    OH played bowls yesterday, so I decided to vacuum, catch up with the washing/ drying our clothes and started the ironing. Fell asleep very quickly last night. New neighbour is back in hospital with complications, after a gall bladder removal op. and a bowling friend, who lives nearby was rushed into hospital yesterday with heart valve problems, plus bronchial pneumonia. Both are in Intensive Care. Another bowling friend has had a severe stroke and died. Bad news seems to be all around us at the moment.

    Ruby had ' the op' yesterday and is causing chaos this morning with her 'lampshade.' LOL 

    Need to go, a neighbour has arrived !!

  • BRENDA - Tempus certainly does fugit and a good indication is when the first thing you read in the local newspaper is the Hatched, Matched and Dispatched column. I speak as one who is guilty of this.

  • Heather:   I always say, on a Wednesday to my OH:  "You can relax, I've read the columns in the local paper, and we're not in, so you can get on with your day today!"

  • An embarrassing moment with OH. He went to play with neighbour's dog on Monday, while the owner was out for the day. I followed him about half an hour later, only to find that he had stepped in dog poo and had followed the dog into the house, without removing his shoes !!! I tried to remove the footprint stains, but was unsuccessful on the hall carpet. He is, at this moment with the neighbour, insisting that he will pay for the professional carpet cleaner. She has told me that no way should we pay, but I would feel happier if she allowed him.  

  • Oh dear, Brenda. How awkward.

    Laughing, I'm afraid, at the thought of poor Ruby with her lampshade!  We're dreading Bonnie's turn at this, as I'm sure it will be a circus! (She goes for her turn, in May).

  • BRENDA - Likewise, would feel the same. Failing that, chocolates, flowers or similar :-)

    A goodish day here today so OH will do some garden work. He was quite unbalanced yesterday (my guess, his chronic ear problems) but today he is better.

    Youngest son in law still in Le Havre, equipment problem which he and his colleague managed to fix. Now must wait until a Big Boss comes from Italy to check it. When? Who knows? Daft to think that he was sent home for two days recently because it was cheaper to pay air fares than keeping him in an inexpensive hotel in France. Now the goalposts have moved, he must stay until the Italian arrives! I remember when he was sent to Italy a couple of years ago. Delay after delay. We always refer to it as 'The Italian Job' like the film. To be fair, the oil industry is notoriously subject to delays of one kind or another. So many firms involved, different equipment from differing sources. Very hard to coordinate things.

    Ha ha, just reread my post. I think that I should have said that my OH was off balance yesterday, rather than unbalanced! Actually, not sure what I should have said....
  • Dear all

    My thanks to all for your kind thoughts. Just a small post as I still feel pretty awful. Saw Consultant this morning and discussed what has been happening and she has decided that the need for transfusions is now showing a pattern and I will have them every 3 weeks. It was nearly a month on from the last one and just too long a gap. She checked my breathing again and touch wood chest is OK but I am still very congested in the nose. As it is a viral infection I cannot have anymore antibiotics at the moment. If things change at all just have to ring cancer nurse. Once again I cannot fault the care I am receiving, they are very supportive. I am sleeping a lot as the coughing leaves me feeling so exhausted. Thankfully OH is recovering now I think he felt a bit under the weather for a couple of days. 

    Missing a lot of things osprey at the moment, just having a quick look in now and again.

    Take care all.

    Love Margo x

  • Thank you for taking the time and effort to update us Margo. Every good wish for you both.

  • As Mike says, thanks for making what must be a big effort to keep us in the picture, Margo.  Sorry you're feeling so poorly, but its good to know that you are getting a lot of advice and help from the medics.  I shall still be thinking of you daily, and hoping that you will soon be recovering from this bad patch, as I'm sure you will.  Hope also that your OH will get better as he is bound to be tired also.

       {{H U G S }}

  • Neighbour says she was having the hall carpet cleaned, anyhow, as her pup had wee'd on it a few times, so my OH made her agree that she could pay for the wee and he would pay for the poo. 50% each. There is only a slight dark mark in one place, from the poo now. Pleased that is settled now.