Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 3 April 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here. Check back, because there were a lot of new, long posts at the end of the thread.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

  • Goodnight Tina.  Nice to hear about you and your family.

  • Diane – What a lovely cheery sight to start us off. Thank you. Poor Mrs Squirrel – there you are in that great big house and you can’t spare a corner. LOLOL


    Margo – Sending lots of {{{HUGS}}}


    Heather – Don’t worry about lack of communication with 14-yr-old. Just wait 5-6 years. It’s amazing how our eldest gr-dau became human by time she was Miss19.


    OG – Keep resting, chores will keep.


    Linda – If you are so desperate to weed, I can suggest a garden in dire need!


    Tina – “dream feed”? I doubt that would have worked with MissJ who only had 20 min naps when younger. Even now when she’s given up day naps, she still wakes 4-5 times a night. Her twin slumbers beautifully.


    Our clocks reverted to normal time yesterday. It was getting ridiculous with sunrise later than it is in winter. Nights are cool, down to 12 C. Weather gods’ last attempt at summer with 27 predicted today. I love this balmy autumn weather.

  • Hello all. Absolutely glorious day yesterday but today has been somewhat cloudy with a sprinkling of rain.

    OG - sorry to hear that you are not yet 100% but are getting there.

    Lindybird, I loved picking up the pebbles from the beach we visited when we went to Cyprus some years ago.   I keep them in bowls of water which brings out their colours.  Convinced 1 is some sort of a fossil but haven't had it checked out. Hope you are enjoying your break.

    Hello Tina, looking after your grandchild and that 10-11pm feed. I think sticking to the old fashioned way is probably the best - waiting till they wake and then feeding them. But hey, that's a long while ago and I suppose things have changed a bit since we were young mums.

    I've still got my cough after about 3 1/2 weeks but I'm sure it will go eventually. We've not had enough cold days on the trot to get rid of the germs floating around.

    Thinking of Margo and all those who are feeling under the weather.  Take care all.

  • Evening all:  Good busy day here, but built in some lazy time this afternoon.  Tonight on tele we have the new season of Call the Midwife (such a lovely show) and a brand new series - Shetland, which I'm now watching.

    Lindybird: I've got a lovely collection of pretty stones I collected from the beach at Aldeburgh.  And I still have a little glass bowl of shells my granddaughter picked up from the beach about 20 years ago!  It's nice that you were on hand to give that couple a helping hand.

    Tina: St. Ives and environs sound lovely; I've never been there unfortunately. I'd feed a feral cat too - and I feed the birds too, even the pesky crows (they're so smart!).

    AQ: Wonderful to hear that Fall has arrived in OZ.  We're supposed to be heading into Spring, but the folks back East (that includes Diane in Indiana) have been getting some bad late winter storms.

    Lynette: What a great idea to keep pretty pebbles in a bowl of water. I'll have to try it (although the ones I have already blend rather nicely with some other items on the shelves).  I'm still spluttering with my cough now and then - and it's going on six weeks since I first got sniffly.  Boring!

    Have a good Monday all.

  • Good morning

    Thank you, DIANE, and thank you to all for your news. I can't make proper replies just now, got to jump in the shower and get organised for a trip to Elgin. Lunch with all three daughters and four granddaughters, a school holiday treat.

    Didn't get on here yesterday, spent most of my time in bed. Shivering, sneezing,coughing,feeling rotten. Quite convinced I was 'in for something' but amazingly feel fine this morning.

    It is raining heavily, here.


  • Good Morning. It absolutely poured all night, I heard it every time I turned over. Don't know where it all goes, but we saw some dramatic waterfalls over rocks the other day, where the swollen streams were pouring down the cliffs.

    Sorry you're still hacking, Annette and Lynette. It's tiring when it keeps on. My cough is nearly gone, thank goodness.

    Annette - I keep lots of shells at home - the best I coat with clear nail varnish to bring out the colours. When I find an interestingly coloured stone, I add it to the pile we have by the caravan steps. Funnily enough, they look best when it's raining, LOL!  We've decided to stay here for one more day, it's drier this morning so we can go for a walk.

    Enjoyed the new drama about The Durrells last night - it's set in beautiful Corfu and has a lot of humour.

  • See I crossed over with you, Heather. Sorry you had a bad day yesterday, but it sounds as if you've shaken it off as a 24hr thing.

    Enjoy your family time.

    Everyone, have a good day!

  • Good Morning Everyone. Dry but cloudy this morning. The dust didn't reach here, thank goodness.

    I have a hairdressing appointment at 11.30am and also need to shop for some food. OH thought he was getting a cold yesterday, Heather. He also kept complaining that he felt cold, but seems fine this morning.

    We have also promised to feed and walk neighbour's dog, while she is on a trip to London. 

    I will catch up with your posts later. 

  • Unknown said:

    AQ: Wonderful to hear that Fall has arrived in OZ.  We're supposed to be heading into Spring, but the folks back East (that includes Diane in Indiana) have been getting some bad late winter storms.

    Yup. I need groceries, and I've been searching my cupboards for the last of the crumbs! LOL Much of my area was all torn up by the high winds this weekend. We had 70 mph gusts. Downed trees and limbs everywhere in my local counties. Power outages were widespread. So weird: It gets very warm, and then temps plummet fast and we get a hard freeze, hail, or snow. Gales are the result. I've been lucky. No damage on my patch, except fallen brush.

    For the first time ever, a huge flock of white pelicans landed at the lake just a few minutes down the road from me. They were forced down by the winds. I just love pelicans. 

  • Brenda: I'm so glad you didn't get the Sahara dust. It's very hard on people's respiratory systems.

    Sorry everyone seems to have that virus. Sending healing energy to you all.