Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 3 April 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here. Check back, because there were a lot of new, long posts at the end of the thread.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

  • The fun has begun, OG. Gleans has just arrived and a fight started immediately. No sign of any of the ospreys at the moment.

  • So glad to see them both back. The birds are singing loudly on the Dyfi. Sure looks desolate there this early in the spring. I know everyone else would disagree, but I like the train. It's an added bonus for this webcam. (I love trains.)

  • Great news about both Monty and Glesni arriving safely. What clever birds these are!

    Good to see that OG is now improving - sounds like the stuffing was knocked out of you, OG: please take it easy.

    Tina: Children are so tiring when you are not in your 20s & 30s. My d.in.law has been dream feeding her babe, she seems to think it helps them sleep. On the other hand, my other grandchild who is almost exactly the same age, sleeps all night from 8.00pm until 7.00am with no problem!

    Well, it drizzled this morning when it was supposed to be dry, but then it cleared up at last & then the sun appeared - we took the opportunity to do some weeding (we have taken over responsibility of the rockery which we overlook). We were interrupted by meeting some old friends who had come just for the weekend, and wanted to know how we were.   Then we went out for a delish carvery lunch, (I had turkey) and I bought some bird feed and a bird feeder! When we returned back to base the heavens opened again.....

  • BTW, I am feeling much better and not coughing as much, now. Hooray!

  • Morning all:  Foggy start to the day here.

    Diane: Sorry you had to act the heavy with house-hunting squirrels. Suggest you put a "no vacancy" sign on roof and the car. Thanks for the link to Pic Monkey. I've bookmarked it.  I love trains too.

    Tina: It has been ages; good to see you. Sounds like lots going on in your patch (where are you now?). Congrats on the new baby. I know how you feel; I was a bit tentative when great-granddaughter Ms. D arrived, but I think it's a bit like riding a bike. However, no gadgets were involved and I've never heard of "dream feeding." I'd've thought it was the mother who'd fall asleep during that!  Good the animals are co-existing and that Indie has learned the rules set down by bossy cats.

    LizLFW: Hi to you.

    Lindybird: If I ate old dead fish I'd probably throw up too. Hope rain stays away and that you aren't still waving your arms madly.

    OG: Oh that sounds just like the bug I had. My sinuses joined in the party too - so, so uncomfortable. Try inhaling steam if they get backed up; it helped me. Glad you had a cough-free trip around the garden. :-)

    Margo: Hope you're feeling well enough to read. Hugs from all of us!

    Off to start the day.

  • Just read back and can see that I hurriedly threw my post together without what was to be my opening remark, to Brenda, that I was pleased to see that you had had an enjoyable time with your daughter.

    My memory is beginning to annoy me - I seem to forget things on a daily basis. We went on our beach just now & whilst my OH took Bonnie along the shore, I stayed behind and picked up some pretty shells and some attractive stones. It's an interesting beach and there's a lot to look for!  Later, I realised that I'd left behind on a big rock, a small interestingly marked rock.....  So I went back for it, in the rain. As I picked it up I heard a car which was slowly coming down our narrow road. I was able to direct the couple to a rental bungalow which they were unable to find. So the fairies were at work!

  • In case you haven't seen, BRENDA: a warning about Saharan dust down your way!  Take care.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Yes, I had seen the warning, OG, thank you. We have thunder and lightning at the moment.

  • Goodness, thunder & lightning Brenda.  It's strange weather everywhere in the UK.  

  • After what was a glorious day in Cambridgeshire, its now pouring down.

    I have just dashed out to check on our resident feral cat, making sure his food is out of the rain. He has a shelter (small dog kennel) so he's quite comfy.

    The neighbours don't understand me, they think I'm quite mad, they are not too keen that I feed the birds either.

    Annette - I live in a village just outside St Ives.

    OH and myself managed to tidy up the garden earlier, a task we have continued to put off, Indie was a pest trying to pick up anything that moved to eat :/

    I'm still playing catch up with previous posts, its lovely seeing familiar names.

    Off to bed for me now, Goodnight everyone.