Keith and Ann closed last month with some lovely chat and osprey news. It is this kind of coverage that we must have if The Gabfest is to be able to continue.
The Gabfest does have a purpose - a reason for being. That purpose is to educate about wildlife in general and ospreys in particular. We do that by following the osprey we care about with pictures and narrative, and by entertaining ourselves with other topics of interest to us. If we are interested others probably will be also. They will thus be drawn to our site where they will get to know the osprey we love.
Pictures are not necessary to make an interesting post. I was hooked before I ever saw a cam simply by reading the entries on The Main Blog. They did not use pictures then. Through the years many Gabbers have added to our thread with simple observations and comments.. The posts of one Gabber in particular are greatly missed. SUGAR'S early morning observations of the Loch Garten nest were a joy to read.
It is to be hoped that we can have many reports, comments and observations this summer, both with and without pictures, as we enjoy the antics of our favorite osprey.
Glesni takes advantage of a shift in position to tend to her eggs. Or is it vice versa? That train was deafening but has now settled down to a gentle roar.
A double cam view at Manton Bay and bright colors at LOTL. Both mums peacefully brooding their eggs.
Good morning,Mike, I hope the upcoming weather isn't too stressful for man or beast. I know people are ready for spring.
Good afternoon all. Well some good news that Kieldes UV is on his way North his first homeward migration :) I have been enjoying all the updates at all the nests and the pics are wonderful as usual. I like Loch of the Lowes always colourful and Manton Bay with the very blue watewr surrounding the nest :) Thans to all for sharing!
We had some bats flying around our garden last week, but last night and today we had a tiny bit of snow :( I bet they scrambled back to bed!
Willow, I take it you like Bats. I'm afraid they are not one of my favorite animals. Could be because boys chased us with them back in grade school and word was out that they would get tangled in your hair! In fact I place them in the same category as spiders and snakes. Ugh - shudder.
But I understand that bats are a very beneficial animal to have around. As are harmless snakes. Only thing is where I grew up two kinds were deadly and for the most part, I didn't know one from the other. and please don't tell me snakes are beautiful - not while I am still shuddering. :(
Oh, I came on here to mention that there is a new Main Blog.
From Facebook
Whenever I tune in to the cam I just find EJ serenely incubating her eggs.
June, Yes, EJ looks very serene so far this year and long may it continue! I hope any intruders will fight over the nest of EJ's former bit-on-the-side (not far away from EJ's and Odin's nest)!
Kind regards, Ann