Keith and Ann closed last month with some lovely chat and osprey news.  It is this kind of coverage that we must have if The Gabfest is to be able to  continue.

        The Gabfest does have a purpose - a reason for being.  That purpose is to educate about wildlife in general and ospreys in particular.  We do that by following the osprey we care about with pictures and narrative, and by entertaining ourselves with other topics of interest to us.  If we are interested others probably will be also.  They will thus be drawn to our site where they will get to know the osprey we love.

     Pictures are not necessary to make an interesting post.  I was hooked  before I ever saw a cam simply by reading the entries on The Main Blog.  They did not use pictures then.  Through the years many Gabbers have added to our thread with simple observations and comments..  The posts of one Gabber in particular are greatly missed.  SUGAR'S early morning observations of the Loch Garten nest were a joy to read.

     It is to be hoped that we can have many reports, comments and observations this summer, both with and without pictures, as we enjoy the antics of our favorite osprey.

  • I thought Dai Dot and Blue 24 were situated on the nest he occupied last summer with his other mate.

  • Unknown said:

    I thought Dai Dot and Blue 24 were situated on the nest he occupied last summer with his other mate.

    They are now questioning the nest at Llyn Clywedog reservoir whether in previous years that the male was in fact Dai Dot. Whilst Dai Dot was at Dyfi nest with Blue 24 A N other male was quite comfortable with a female on the Llyn Clywedog reservoir nest as if they had paired before.

    I think Dai Dot has gone off now leaving Blue 24 alone. I think a lot more to come here.

  • Good morning all. Its all going on at Dyfi lately! I hope we dont see the fights between Glesni and B24 again. I would hope that B24 will be successful in finding her own mate and nest. There were reports of 5F and B24 having fisticuffs only to be joined by a Red Kite. Amazing video recording this. Sorry cannot do links on this computer :( Seem there have been multiple matings between Dai Dot and B24. I feel a bit upset to see this as Im sure its not going to end well

  • Hi 58Willow - I am sure we are going to see a few more Fisticuffs (Love your expressiveness) at Dyfi.

    As you post we just hear of Monty returning to The Dyfi and as Tiger posted on his own site - That spoils Dai Dots afternoon.

    He will probably love Blue 24 until and if Glesni returns then the battle realy commences.

    I think that is the breaking news for today - Off to Aberdeen shortly and will stop off at Balgavies Loch near Forfar on the way up and take in a few nests in my old stomping ground next week.

  • Hi Keith. Are Strathallan pair back yet.

  • Hi LMAC - I went up yesterday morning to Strathallan with my wife for a walk. I only saw one osprey around the nest. However a member of STAG spoke to me and said both were on the nest earlier. One could have gone wandering either along the River Earn or to the stocked lochans on Gleneagles. Often see ospreys there.

    Hope all goes well for them.

    Arrived in Aberdeen this evening with a detour via Forfar to see the ospreys at Balgavies Loch. Will pop along to a few old stomping grounds in Aberdeenshire after I throw my clients out of the door each day. Lochter pairings are on the nest.

    JUNE - When you mange to get on at the library or your own computer the update from 2:19 is that Glesni (Blue 12) arrived at Dyfi shortly after Monty. What becomes of Dai Dot and Blue 24 who knows.

  • Thanks Keith. I drove past Green DY nest today and saw a bird on nest from bridge. I had folks with me so didn't have time to stop but there is certainly 1 back there but whether her or male no idea.

  • Lmac - I am going down to the Watersports centre this year and hiring a canoe. Susan says she will just stay in the restaurant and have a drink and either wait for me or get the lifeboat service out.

  • Between the time Monty arrived back at the nest and the time Glesni came home only a gap of 2.5 hours he did manage to have a bit of fun with Blue 24.

    These ospreys are not too fussy. And to think a few years back I thought they were faithful birds.

    Blue 24 also manage two different males in a similar period Dai Dot in the morning and Monty in the afternoon and still lost the nest.

    FUN FUN FUN until Glesni takes the T Bird Away.

    (C) - Thanks to Dyfi Video on DOP FB.

  • Hi All.  Great news that Monty and Glesni are back on the Dyfi Estuary nest. June, I hope your computer problems are soon solved.

    Keith, I think Ospreys are pragmatists.  If Glesni had not returned, her cousin, Blue 24 would be an excellent replacement, but I am glad both Glesni and Monty are back even if it means more fighting.  Time will tell.  It is unlikely that Blue 24 will give up that easily but I hope eventually she and Dai Dot (or another male) will settle down to domestic bliss on another nest platform.

    Kind regards, Ann