Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 27 March 2016

HAPPY NEW WEEK and HAPPY EASTER (to those who celebrate the holiday).

Last week's Chat thread is here.

Everyone have a wonderful week.

  • Brenda: Not happy to hear that Margo isn't so well, but good I suppose that she made it out of bed today. I really do wish there was something practical we could do to help her - or her lovely OH - instead of just sending best wishes.

  • Hi, all.

    I'm going to try to catch up, but fair warning: I was up all night because of the high winds and heavy thunderstorms, so I'm not thinking straight!

    Margo: I'm so sorry you are feeling so awful. My thoughts are with you.

    Brenda: I also Googled the Great Dixter House and looked at the structure and the gardens. So beautiful. I would love to visit. The timber framing in the Great Hall is gorgeous.

    Wendyb: Congrats on your new phone.

    AQ: I hope you received good news about your wrist. I can tell you that I would have opened that envelope, unless Australia has some provision that would send me to jail for doing so. I've always insisted -- demanded -- that doctors give me copies of all lab results and other reports in my medical record. I've had a few try to tell me no, but they relented when I turned my wrath on them!

    Lindy: Those camellias are stunning. Hope your sore throat doesn't lead to anything worse or ruin your holiday.

    Lynette: I like Lark Ascending. Please tell the BBC World Service to switch to that music. LOL

    Heather: A little rosemary goes a long way on anything. I've never cooked lamb. It's not a common food here in my area, although some people do eat it. I see it in the supermarket. My Dad always wanted beef or pork, so that's what I can cook. He liked my BBQ'd ribs, roast beef, and swiss steak. Not very healthy, but he was brought up on a traditional farm where folks ate beef, pork, and chicken -- sometimes river fish.

    Annette: I see that the spring survey claims that the snowpack in the Sierra Nevada Mountains is at 97% of average. Yay! I wished last night that I could send you all that rain. Sorry the wind took a big branch out of your beloved plant. Hope you're feeling much better now. 

    My NPR station doesn't have The World on its schedule. I listen to the BBC Newshour every morning at 9:00 a.m. I also enjoy Science Friday, and I sometimes like Radio Lab, the Ted Radio Hour, and Tavis Smiley. Diane Rehm irritates me, but I usually catch her show. The Vinyl Café had a very funny story about yoga this past week, and I thought of you.

    Almost time for the worst of the storms, so I'm outta here. Take care, all.

  • Take care, DIANE. I don't know how you cope with the extreme weather. Battening down the hatches,I guess.

  • I would like to wish OG a very happy birthday.

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • Diane, Really worried about you in such horrendous storms. Sorry you have lost so much sleep because of the weather. Hope you and your property stay safe.

  • Hi, folks, from where my mother used to call "Welsh Wales" !!   The Wi-Fi here seems to be ok, so fingers crossed.

    We had a good journey in the bright sunshine and enjoyed seeing the new lambs, and the golden gorse at the sides of the road. When we arrived, we found some friends already here who helpfully told us how to get onto the new internet system here.

    Sorry to hear that Margo has been so poorly and that the steak dinner has had to be postponed some more. {BIG HUGS} Margo - thinking of you every day.

    It does seem that OG is suffering with that cold, as she's not been posting - do hope you feel better soon, OG. Hope it's not spoilt your birthday too much.

    Diane - Keep safe. Glad you enjoyed the photos.

  • I love 'Lark Ascending' too.  We heard the top ten on the Class*c radio station, and are often surprised at the most requested.

    My sore throat is still sore, and occasionally I break into a croak.  I keep saying that I won't talk much so that I can rest it, but then I need to tell my OH something, so off I go again! No idea if it will turn into anything else.

    I had time last night to send my 'boys' an email with a lot of photos attached of our enjoyable Easter Sunday. We are very lucky.

    Hope to appear on here again tomorrow.....night All.

  • Firstly, thanks for all the news.

    Secondly, Brenda - thanks for keeping us up to date re Margo. She really seems to be going through a tough old time at present. I do hope the chest infection clears up but most likely it will take its time due to her health problems.  Nevertheless, a big hug from me.

  • Diane do hope the storms you are experiencing soon abate and life can get back to normal and you can catch up on your sleep.

    Lindybird, do hope your throat clears up soon.  I had the same thing just after Christmas, eventually cleared up but have now ended up with a cough which came on suddenly and I can't get rid of. No doubt it will go in time.

  • The storms weren't as bad as predicted. All clear now. Thanks for your concern everyone! Have a good weekend, all.