Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 27 March 2016

HAPPY NEW WEEK and HAPPY EASTER (to those who celebrate the holiday).

Last week's Chat thread is here.

Everyone have a wonderful week.

  • Yes, I've found this at the Baptist church I go to - very relaxed but still a message comes through applicable to our every day lives.  It was the minister's wife who led at the beginning and our minister took over from the sermon onwards.

    Have heard that Odin definitely has returned, so the fun and games start!!

    We had the wind and rain last night but nothing like the destruction that they had further south. We seem to get off lightly here.

    OH took Dau and Self out to lunch today. We visited a pub we had not been too for years.   Very reasonably priced. Had a 2 course meal for £8.25 which I thought was good value for money and the food was delicious. Its not often I can say that when we go out for a meal these days.

    Oh Diane - at least your old radio still works, have to ask the BBC to play "Lark Ascending" which came first on the top 300 Classic FM list for the 3rd year running. Whoopee, one I voted for.

  • Evening all:  I gather Odin is back. Nice to know LoTL and LG families are reunited and ready for another  year.  Wild wind here today - it was a good day to do some yard work (while keeping an eye on our neighbor's unkempt tree).  Storm Katie in the UK looked bad.

    Heather: Oh dear, rosemary with a dash of lamb, eh? I imagine you'll eventually hear how it turned out. I listen to BBC Radio online many mornings - it's live so I get things like Drive at 5 at 9 a.m. our time., though I typically listen to P.M. with Eddie Mair.  Re kitchen remodels, it was things like door handles that hung us up - I'd never given them a thought and all of a sudden, the world was full of them - and way too many of them! at that!

    OG: Congrats on Mission Accomplished in the shower room.  We used to play Trivial Pursuit at lunch time at one job I had where there was no decent place nearby to go to eat.  We'd bring food and eat in the conference room, where there was also a white board - Pictionary was another favorite. 

    Lindybird: Too bad trip wasn't brilliant both ways. Don't you hate to see bashed up cars by the side of the road?  It's always a relief when they don't look too bad. That is interesting that bloom times can vary so much within such a small country (must be those pesky micro-climates!).

    Diane: There are many, many remains and reminders of the Spanish/Mexican period throughout California, some hiding in plain sight.  Oh what a bore about your old boombox. I see all kinds of old stereo,etc., equipment in thrift stores. Maybe you can pick one up for a few dollars.  I don't listen to the BBC World Service at night - but our NPR station has The World on around noon each day; it's a collaboration between the BBC World Service, WGBH in Boston, and Public Radio International.  Always interesting.  Love Science Friday too.

    Lynette: Was lunch out a celebration?  I love Lark Ascending!  It's positively transporting!

    dibnlib: Oh how awful for your cousin. Sounds like it's going to be a bumpy time for her OH too....  The challenges that some people have to deal with must be so exhausting, physically and emotionally.

    Margo: Hope the steaks were super. Waiting to read if you managed dessert too. :-)

    Silly me stayed up until after midnight last night, puttering on the computer with one eye on rubbish on TV. Of course, woke up earlier than usual and was dragging a bit all day. Will not make the same mistake tonight.

    Have a good Tuesday everyone.

  • Good Morning, All.  Raining & grey here this morning.  

    Hope that Margo is going to pop in and tell us how her meal out went.

    Lynette: your lunch sounded like a real bargain. Guess you'll be going there again!  I love Lark Ascending, too!

    Annette:  I regret it if I stay up too late, it has a 'knock on effect'.  We have remodeled many kitchens (not all our own!) and door handles can make a huge difference to the overall look. If it's your own kitchen, my tip is to get knobs on the doors if you're unsure if you're going to like them, as these can be easily changed later - they only leave one small hole in the door or drawer, whereas handles are all kinds of sizes and leave two holes! They can turn out to be quite an expensive part of the overall thing, it's surprising how many you need and good ones make such a difference to the finish.

    My OH has just gone off to see if he can get a game of golf - the course may well be far too wet after the storm. He brought me a cuppa in bed and had forgotten that it was his birthday today, LOL!! I shall pop out later and get him some steak for a special meal tonight.

  • LINDY   When I was with the RAF in Germany, they used to put badly smashed cars in the lay-by opposite the guardroom. A warning to others to drive safely.

    Hope your OH gets a game of golf. Happy birthday to himself.

  • dibnlib:  Was sorry to hear about your cousin's wife.  What a terrible situation to be in.  Thanks for the birthday wishes:  he has just returned, as we suspected, the course is too wet to allow for play today.  On the way home he picked up Bonnie from the kennels, and she is ecstatic to be back - they've now gone out for a walk.

    We saw several large trucks/lorries on the motorway which were weaving around - my OH reckoned they were illegally on the phone and not concentrating on the road.......

    Annette:  Meant to say, sorry you missed your  Whale Watch.  Expect there were a few swearywords!  What a good idea to have the cleaner just occasionally, when needed (thumbs up sign here.....)

  • Shower room - can't post some as they are portrait and it turns them sideways!

    My favourite purchase is the least costly - the laundry bins (Brabantia).  We bought four so we can pre-sort the laundry into separate wash-loads - works well.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • people on the phone while they drive is what makes my OH really angry.

    My nightmare is litter.

    LINDY   I know Bonnie can be a bit of a nightmare, but I bet you are glad to have her back home.

    OG   new shower room looks super.

  • Good Morning Everyone. I slept in this morning. Catching up on the sleep I didn't get the night before. OH has been out with the site supervisor checking our fences which join a part of the building site. All the actual site metal fencing was blown across our Close in the storm.

    Margo has got a chest infection. She is on AB's and they had to cancel yesterday's meal out. Her hospital were very good and spent best part of a day doing various tests.

    OG, I did laugh at your bird calls being an osprey. You would have got a shock if you had gone in the garden to check and found it was an osprey out there :-)) I love your new shower room. Very tastefully done.

    Dibnlib, So sorry to hear about your cousin. It must be so difficult for her both physically and mentally.

    Linda,  I guess you are already picking Bonnie up from the kennels. She will be so excited to see you.

    I need to catch up with all your posts. BBL