Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 27 March 2016

HAPPY NEW WEEK and HAPPY EASTER (to those who celebrate the holiday).

Last week's Chat thread is here.

Everyone have a wonderful week.

  • DIANE They have a once weekly short programme called Over to you where listeners can have their say. Maybe we should email a comment? I agree, the dingly dangle music grates on my nerves. I have heard a different tinkly tune the last couple of nights. Just as bad, though!

  • OG  cousin is having problems with her balance. She still isn't able to sit upright on her own. Her husband said he hopes physio will help with this in the next week or two.  

  • sorry, the above should have read,unable to balance properly when she is sitting on her own or transferring from chair to bed etc.

  • Heather B said:

    LINDY- your OH is right. Awful for those caught up in it, though. I hope no serious injuries?

    I have no idea, Heather:    :-(   We heard nothing about it on the radio, which we had on to see why we had stopped in the first place, and for the next few miles home it wasn't mentioned, so I assume there were no fatalities, which is usually what hits the headlines.  My OH said that none of the cars looked badly crunched enough to have caused a death, but as we saw more than two Ambulances, perhaps they took everyone involved to A&E to be checked over in any case.

    We did exclaim "How Stupid is That!" a few times, ourselves, on our journey - people were changing lanes willy nilly without warning nor signal, Sigh.....

  • Keith:  Thanks for the Easter Wishes, nice card.

    OG:  Congrats on finally finishing the shower room alterations!  Hope you can find a ribbon to cut.....LOL!  We had mixed weather on our journey north - starting out in drizzle, then dry, then Proper Rain, then clear skies again. When we reached home at last, we were able to sit in our conservatory with a cuppa in lovely sunshine,  and survey the slight damage to the garden and the new blooms beginning to open (mostly next doors' huge Magnolia, one or two new kinds of daffodil in our garden, etc.)  Whilst in Bedfordshire we noticed how much earlier things had begun to bloom, which shows that it does vary a lot in our small island, according to how far North you live.

    EDIT:  There were some trees down at the roadside on our journey, and on the first A Road we encountered flooding and branches on the road, so decided against our original plan of travelling on A Roads all the way up, and went on the motorways instead.

  • Grrrr. Whale Count canceled due to high winds. Did I say Grrrrr!?

  • Yes you did ANNETTE. Twice-  and very restrained language, if I may say so. Better luck next time.

  • Back again – sorry photos haven’t yet materialised – got involved in things!  Maybe later tonight or tomorrow!

    Linda – pleased your journey was safe, albeit delayed – “better safe than sorry”!  Also glad you had a good time.

    Diane – it was the shower room which was done this time – took over a year from first sketches to final towel rail!

    Dibnlib – I would actually think it is quite early for your Cousin to expect to balance after the second amputation, really – a whole new learning process for mind and body.

    Annette – sorry about Whale count being cancelled.

    Brenda – how silly am I?  The bird I heard when we were talking was an Osprey and I didn’t recognise it!  OH had LotL webcam on with sound, and it was Lassie calling Laddie for a fish!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Gosh, OG. I hope my new kitchen won't take a whole year! Who knows, though. Our friendly joiner is so busy but we are content to wait. Current kitchen was designed by a so called specialist company.Charged a fortune and not user friendly.

  • Thanks, Diane!   Travelling is always part luck, part skill, I think :-) (especially on our motorways, which are all so overcrowded nowadays)

    OG - I assumed they were Curlews and were en route of a migration....but I could be wrong of course, as I know little! The islands are popular with birders, as they host a lot of seasonal visiting birds.

    Texted our Eldest to tell him about our journey and that we were OK, and he said that  he had forgotten to give me my OH's Birthday card for tomorrow (sigh....).

    Very quiet here, as Bonnie is at the kennels until tomorrow morning. I'm collecting her as my OH will be golfing again.

    Heather - Hope your kitchen dreams all come to fruition!