Only 5 pages for yesterday's DU - says it all. EJ spent much of the morning waiting on the nest, but the rest of the day she was nowhere to be seen...
... nor heard, as we had no sound for the second day running.
The forum is playing up a bit so I can't check who I stole this lovely photo of a hopeful EJ from, I expect it was MOFFER:
Odin is not late, not by anyone's standards, let alone his - but our ospreys, like other birds and other signs of spring, are early this year, so haste ye home, dear Odin the Magnificent.
Here's hoping that the predicted snow fails to show up.
She has flown.
Our herring gulls are red listed birds. Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.
What a beak full, taken shortly before she flew
Hello my pretty :)
Birdie Num Num's brilliant DU summary 2017
EJ is back. Balance beam
Back again:
Up up and away she goes
Flown again, probably to the cam post.
Is it just me or does she look considerably more animated?
Good morning again - my new keyboard has arrived *tremble* see ya later, I hope.
Blimey, Scylla - on Easter Sunday? That's most impressive.
Someone passed overhead. Male I would think. EJ watched closely and didn't mantle.
Gone now. EJ settles again