Welcome to day 2 of the latest season in the LG saga. Here's hoping EJ doesn't have to long to wait for Odin.
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
She is back and wrestling with a big stick, and then looking out again.....
EJ's Memorial Balgavies Loch Ospreys 2023
Good morning and thanks for the morning intro.
I awoke to EJ frozen in monochrome, I can do a bit of her early pottering and then her subsequent visits - she just brought a licheny stick of some substance! How long since I typed 'licheny stick'?
Good morning, all! Thanks for starting the new thread, Paul.
Our herring gulls are red listed birds. Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.
You didn't sleep much Scylla, so no sweet dreams I gather LOL
She interrupts her Odin-watch to give us her 'Look':
Back to nestorising:
She has flown.
Good Morning MARY and CLARE Great captures I just missed her
Morning Patily, nice to see you.
Looks like it's going to be a lovely morning for Her Beautifulness:
She hasn't been back for a while so I bet she's gone fishing.
Thank you, Heron for starting off today's thread and thanks also to the 'night-shift' for your updates and pics - just don't know how you folks manage to keep awake :D.
How beautifully calm and serene everything looks this morning - let's hope that EJ is having great success wherever she's gone for her breakfast and that it is, indeed, 'one of her whoppers' :D.
Have a great day of Osprey-watching, everybody - I'll be popping in/out throughout the day, though I've got a long-standing arrangement of daughter-visiting combined with Brownie Escort Duty for today.
I know it's highly unlikely, but wouldn't it be fantastic if Odin were to shock us all today as EJ did yesterday ;)!
How great to come on here in the morning, and find pics of EJ giving us some of her famous expressions!!
Looks like a fine day for her to be doing her housework preparations, too :-)