Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 20 March 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

  • OG - We had a pleasant lunch of slow cooked lamb and all caught up on our 'family' news plus much discussion of holidays, past and future.

    We heard more about Bonnies exploits which were so bad, I can't repeat them here. I am quite upset over the whole business now.

  • Lindy having a Daisy I can sort of imagine...

    Maybe a one to one home behaviourist ...

    Daisy had one he is now her best friend hence I was not missed for the 2 weeks I have been away.

    Dull day but 2 Daisy walks and she seems to be enjoying being involved in social walks.

    Margo hugs from here where I have one loud Osprey around sadly heard but not seen... yet xx

  • Our sunshine didn't appear until late afternoon and it is now a clear starry sky. I don't like the Easter forecast !!

    We were going out after lunch, when I found that I couldn't open the front door. After many attempts, we had to ring for a locksmith. After a couple of minutes inspection, he announced that we needed a new gear box.  I know it is a complicated, and has multi locks, but I never thought of a door lock having a gear box. A very expensive exercise. Better safe than sorry, I suppose.

    I am watching the final episode of Dr Thorne.

    I hope your OH is watching a different TV, Heather, so that he is not too upset with your choice. You still have to have that conversation. LOL

    Linda, Sorry you are upset about Bonnie's exploits. Does that mean that you can't leave her with your S-i-L anymore ? 

  • Thanks for chat everyone, will talk tomorrow morning. Watching Dr Thorne and expecting a call from brother any minute now!

  • Margo – My thoughts and prayers for you & OH. I’m so glad you getting out and about. As someone said, enjoy one day as it comes.


    Nanny day again already. Last Friday, a half day, was a horror. MissJ hardly ever has a daytime nap and she was so tired that she was falling over. Dau had the bug that MissJ had on Wed (fever), then Miss4 succumbed. I had the twins playing happily in trampoline until Toby started chasing them and nipping heels. Doggie school coming up! At least MissL was good, woke from her nap happy and ate the late lunch I served, ham sandwich. First you dismantle, eat the bread & butter, then the ham. LOL


    Suddenly the weather has changed. Cool nights, down to 10 C, and only high 20s in day. I hope the lawn man appears today. The warm humid weather has made the lawn grow madly and it is ankle high. Maybe he has turned up already and we’ll need to send out a search party!!!

  • Evening all:  Have spent the best part of the last two days reading about various canister vacuums. I was going to buy the newer version of our 30-year-old Kenmore, but they've redesigned it so the simple handle now has multiple moving parts that nobody seems to like. Investigated a Panasonic, but online reviews from folks who've had problems involve a terrible time getting them repaired/contacting Panasonic. That reminded me of the huge hassle getting our Panasonic TV fixed after having it only a few months, to the point where we got Costco (where we'd bought it) involved and they finally got things sorted. Went to local independent dealer yesterday who was pushing Miele (but oh my, the prices!). Will probably go look at a different Kenmore model. Anyway, am quickly OD'ing on vacuum reviews.

    In the meantime, daughter and grandson drove to Arizona yesterday for Ms. D's 5th birthday, which is being held at a lovely mountain lake park near Prescott. Apparently, some 30+ parents, children, friends are attending. Ms. D called this morning to say she wished I was there, but what with major driving trip with sister and BiL from UK in about three weeks, I couldn't see doing the drive twice so soon.  Besides, I have very vivid memories of her 4th birthday, which was like a Disney production! Grandson is renting a car to drive back tomorrow, so I'll then run him up to his Mom's house where he left his truck.  However, that will be in the p.m., so I can go to the Whale Count in the a.m.

    When granddaughter and nice friend broke up last Fall, she moved into a house on a ranch where she could also have the horses. Problem was, she had to share the house with another single Mom and that turned out to be a disaster given their very different attitudes toward kiddie discipline. So her lease is up next week and  she was lucky enough to get a really nice house - I mentioned it's a bit pricey - not too far away where she can have the horses, chickens, dog, etc.  Apparently, the owner had turned away potential renters for about a month, but she had some great references from previous rental agencies, etc. and got the okay last week.  It's a  3-bedroom so room for visitors!!

    Margo: Hurray for steak dinners, but too bad no room for dessert.  So what did you buy your sister? (You don't have to answer that.)  :-)

    Heather:  All I can say on the topic of ovens is that we have a Bosch. It's electric, but the gas cook top (in a separate area) is a KitchenAid, which is very nice and gets a lot more action than the oven.  Re Downton, our local PBS station has been replaying the final episode for the last two weeks, along with various specials about the show. I'm a fan, but enough already!

    OG:   I cut back some Heuchera Wendy Coral Bells after they got thick and leggy and they seem to be doing okay. At the native plant care meeting I attended a month or so ago, the guy said it was touch and go in terms of cutting through the stem, but I guess I was lucky.  I'm with you on some meds - they just seem to keep the symptoms in check until you stop taking them. I'm beginning to think I may be over this cold. Doc at one point suggested a nasal spray but I found sticking my head over small steam machine did the trick.  That and drinking lots of water, etc.  You asked if daughter would be replacing Peanut? Well, when she and grandson stopped by the house on their way out of town yesterdat, I went out to say Hallo to King (dog) and spied a little pet-carry case beside him. Not a guinea pig, but a little white rabbit that grandson found in the middle of the road one night and took home. No idea if this furry little bundle will be staying in Arizona or not!

    Lindybird: My sister said War & Peace was a very good production; not here yet.  Though I believe we're getting a new Call the Midwife season in April. Sorry Bonnie blotted her copybook to the point where we can't gasp in horror at the litany of calamities!  :-))  Maybe a kennel next time?

    AQ: Hope you find the lawn man and that next nanny day is easier.

    Have probably not responded to everyone's news, but have been reading all.

    I've had a bunch of photos I've been meaning to post from my months-ago train trip to meet friend in LA and also from recent AZ trip. Not many, but will do that this evening.

    Take care all.

  • Lawn man has arrived and is fighting his way through the undergrowth. Time for me to depart for a fun? day.

  • Margo - lovely to hear from you and glad you enjoyed your meal last night.

    Spring is official from tomorrow, birds singing, weather has been better today than yesterday down here but I understand from Tuesday we are in for a change with a weather change coming in from the Atlantic.

    Had a nice surprise going from my church to the Parish church via a friends car - he spotted a buzzard overhead, quite a site.

    Been an easy day today but must press on with jobs tomorrow.

    Good for you Heather, and why not.  

    Watched the final episode of Doctor Thorn tonight, quite an enjoyable mini series.

    OG - I rather agree with you. I let nature take its course with just a little help from menthol based lozenges. Cold water is my tip - keep drinking it , it soothes the throat.

    Lindybird - Oh dear, poor Bonnie, in the doghouse again, pardon the pun.  Still you got to enjoy a family lunch.

    Annette - sorry to hear about the problems re Grand-daughter but do hope that things will settle down for her and she can be happy at her new place.  Hope the birthday party went OK.  Do hope you manage to decide on a vac soon, so many about, its always difficult to decide which to go for but as you say Miele are dear.

    Take care all, back later.

  • AQ - hope the nannying went OK. Glad to hear things have cooled down a bit. Friend of dau's is going out to Melbourne on Wednesday to visit her son and taking other son and family with her.

  • Good morning, all.  If anyone would like a good laugh, check this out!  It's an online poll to name a polar research vessel........and the leading suggestion is just priceless.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.