Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 20 March 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

  • Just looked in on the Bald Eagle nest

    Hope all allright -   HAPPY EASTER TO ALL

    Off to church in the morning and then on Easter Sunday.

  • Diane – I do appreciate your opinion, yours is wise advice. Likewise Heather, I am not offended. Thank you Linda, Brenda, Margo, OG. I certainly won’t be doing nanny duty for some time. I can barely manage to do the necessary with one hand. (I feed myself like the twins – with fingers. LOL) OH has chauffeured me to Doc & food shop. Annette suggested others could help Dau. Sadly they have all dropped away – “time Dau got her act together”. But she has had 3 illnesses in past month, a bit hard to cope. As for my outings, the next bus trip is mid-May, but I had hopes Chauffeur-Friend & I could escape now the weather is cooler. Patience, I tell myself.

  • Evening all: Well, it's been busy again but finally got a vacuum cleaner after a week of reading reviews, etc.  Phew. Now my printer is on the blink.  

    Margo: I don't think anyone in their right mind goes anywhere on those busy holidays. It's good to know you're getting such great support and that you and OH are planning a nice steak meal Easter Monday - but do make an effort to stuff yourself with some yummy dessert!  :-)  Enjoy watching EJ and friends.

    AQ: Take it from someone who still has a problem wrist after hurting mine last October. My own fault, since I didn't rest it properly at the start.  Sorry daughter's would-have-been helpers are no longer an option.  Maybe your being out of commission will "force" her to learn some coping methods - perhaps not worrying about how clean the house is, etc...  Take care.

    Lindybird: Easter gifts?  We only do eggs for kiddies, and that's it.  Assume the need for textured wall isn't the result of Bonnie's antics?  Hope the weather improves for your Wales trip.  Have a safe trip to see Amber.

    Heather: That's amazing that SiL is being shuffled back and forth.  Wonder how they'll approach "flooding" therapy re SiL's travels.  My daughter also gets - as my mother used to say - "aeriated" about the slightest thing. She goes from 0-60 on the anxiety scale in record time.

    OG: Good that J seems back to normal. Interesting that Spring/Fall upset your dinner menu - how does the weather affect that?

    Brenda: Gosh, a tea room? Sounds like things are getting even busier next door. How many people will be on the site I wonder.  I've heard Bali is wonderful.

    Diane: Gorgeous card for Margo.

    Lynette: Thank you for the cute card.

    Take care all.  Really will try to post those photos!

  • Good Morning. Slept in, after staying up too late last night. Feel better for it, though. Now I have today to tidy round, pack for our trip this weekend, finish the ironing, and try to reorganise our tiny attics!  No pressure!

    Thanks for the Easter card, Lynette.  Here's mine:


  • Good Morning Everyone. A dry bright morning. Everywhere beginning to dry up after the overnight rain. Nothing planned for today, except for church at 3pm.

    Thank you Lynette and Linda, for your lovely cards.

    Do have a lovely time with the family, this weekend, Linda. I am sure Bonnie will be fine in the Kennels. We don't buy presents for Easter. Just eggs for the children, if we will be seeing them.  

    AQ, Sorry your daughter's helpers are no longer eager to help, but you do have to be sensible with your injury. I am sure I can hear your frustration as you are unable to do things in your own home.

    Annette, Well done on choosing your new vacuum, but now you have to use it, LOL.

  • B24 has arrived at Dyfi. 10.02am

  • Linda – pleased the Easter shopping trip was successful, and a new jacket for OH which you both liked.  The reason I was tired yesterday was OH snoring all through the night before; either he didn’t snore or I was too tired to hear him last night.  Quick turnaround for you next week before Wales; safe travels, and I hope all goes according to plan.  Lovely Easter card – and how lucky to see a Cinnabar Moth this early in spring!

    Lynette – lovely Easter picture – and Happy Easter to you and yours!

    AQ – yes, you really must be patient with that injury; do take care and enjoy some down time!

    Annette – happy new vacuum cleaner – and sorry about the printer!  Re weather and meals – I hate to serve up a heavy meal when the weather turns out warm, or salad on a really miserable day, and it is more unpredictable in spring and fall; but I think I was just miserable about food yesterday when I wrote that!

    Brenda – lovely bright weather returned today, so OH is treating the grass in expectation of the Easter rains.  Ospreys arriving in numbers now – I hope the weather won’t be too awful for them all.

    J is much better – he went for a walk this morning.  I did the ironing and other little jobs, chatted to a cousin on the phone and am now wondering how to make early tea to get to evening service at the same time as I will need to shower to go out – bad planning, I think!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Lovely sunshine here, today: hope that the rest of UK has some.  Put out more laundry, but will have to have another go at the ironing in a minute, or the pile will become two piles....

    Hope that Diane is OK and the storms have passed. Hope Annette enjoys her new Hoover! 

    Have been replying to emails from folks we met whilst on holiday - we are all discussing the weather, as it was the worst we've had. The first two weeks we only had a couple of sunny days, and had to find other ways to amuse ourselves other than sitting out, or walking. Although it was not rain all the time, the wind was too cold to go for a walk without warm clothes, and we had hardly any of them! I only pack one warm jacket to wear, expecting to need that if we go out in the evenings. But after the first week, I had worn all of my trousers and long sleeved tops most of the time, during the day. Some of them I was able to wash and hang up to dry.

    The last week was better, and we sat in the sun and forgot that we had previously had to go into museums, art galleries & coffee shops. I tried not to drag my OH around too many actual shops, as he hates shopping, but we did pick up some leather belts for him at bargain price.

    I also bought Gertrude the goat, now known as Gertie - hope to put up a photo of her later sometime.