Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 20 March 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

  • And so she deserves to be, WENDY.

  • OG:  What welcome news. You must have been worried, but perhaps it's just as well you didn't know which train they were on, at the time. Sorry that J is so poorly.

  • OG: A lucky miss for your cousins; awful for the poor folks and their families who weren't so fortunate.  Take care.

  • AH, LINDY! Sorry. ANNETTE had a good comment, also, earlier. I don't want to say that stepson hasn't been nice to me, just that I have been treading on eggshells for years. I must remember the good times. When OH was diagnosed with colon cancer, an unbelievable 12 years ago I phoned his son who came immediately to the hospital and gave me a lot of comfort.

    Talk tomorrow, kindest thoughts to everyone.

  • What a relief for you, OG. So pleased that your cousin and her OH are safe. A traumatic experience for them and a worrying day for you. 

    Heather, Don't anticipate problems. One of the most enjoyable parts of changing anything in our homes, is the choosing and planning and then seeing it all coming to fruition. I am excited for you both. You could get fed up with daughters suggesting what they would want !!! LOL  Just remember it is, and has been your home for many years. Your stepson certainly wouldn't appreciate you interfering in his home life, I am sure. 

  • Just can't sleep, mind in overdrive! Spent most of last night thinking about kitchen and tonight thinking about youngest daughter who is worrying about her OH. He is flying to Paris in a few hours time driving to Calais (work). Daughter is anxious by nature and the threat of her OH redundancy plus him being in an airport etc......

    OH is sleeping like a baby and the blackbirds are singing outside. The gulls have also got a lot to say for themselves this morning!

  • Morning Heather!  I imagine all the airports - especially Paris - are under the closest scrutiny and maybe the safest places to be for the next few weeks. Still, that probably doesn't help someone predisposed to anxiety.  

  • seems everyone knows someone in Brussels. Friend who used to share a flat with OH when they were at LATCC is fine and well.

  • OG sorry meant to say I am glad you have good news of your cousin.

  • Good Morning, All.  Sorry to see that Heather has had a bad night. I fell asleep watching tv during the evening, and in spite of that have just slept for over eight hours in bed as well, I was so mentally tired.  Had a talk with my sis in law on phone yesterday & told her that my OH has been stressed over worrying about ME being stressed, so we had to laugh, and in the light of the dreadful news of yesterday it's all about nothing, really.

    We are going out today to see if we can get some sort of "effect" we can apply to the dining room walls as the present wallpaper is in shreds but there doesn't seem to be any point in hanging new paper.

    Hope everyone on here has a good day.