Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 13 March 2016


Last week's Chat Thread is here.

In the U.S., we change to Daylight Saving Time tonight.

I shared this link on my Facebook page, and I thought I'd include it here. This is Shades State Park (Forest), which is just down the road from me. My grandfather was a park ranger there for many years. It's one of my favorite places in the world. I'm so ready for spring weather.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

  • OG/ANNETTE I dread when I have to have x rays and also impressions. I try to control my breathing but nothing helps.

    A very happy birthday to EAGLE EYE. Am I right this means yours is in a week or so OG.


  • Good Morning, To All!!    I'm back and zinging around the many jobs which have to be done....

    We are both well, and had a good journey home last night, but when we finally reached base I just flopped in a chair and there was nothing for it but to go to bed. Slept like a baby.

    Lots to tell about our hols, and also about Bonnie - although we have not had the full tale from sis-in-law yet, apparently she has been some sort of a nightmare.....  no surprise there, then.  {SIGH}

    Happy Birthday to Eagle-Eye and I hope you all have a good day.

    Special thoughts winging their way to dear Margo.

  • Lindy: WELCOME BACK! I hope you had a grand time.

    Annette, Brenda, and anyone interested: A NASA astronaut and two cosmonauts will launch to the International Space Station aboard a Soyuz rocket on Friday evening at 9:26 p.m. GMT, 5:26 p.m. in the eastern U.S., and 2:26 p.m. in California. You can watch the launch live at NASA TV. Info here.

  • Welcome back LINDA, but I guess you are now facing the big decision about Bonnie.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Been feeding the w. machine and also trying to ring friends, who now all seem to be out somewhere....  Had long conversation with sis-in-law about dogs in general and also someone elses new pooch, but did not dare ask her about Bonnies transgressions as I have a little present for her for looking after Bonnie which I hope to pop down with sometime.  But apparently Bonnie has been sleeping on her bed........  (this is the highly trained dog who is supposed to be in her crate at night, LOL!)

    Been reading back on just this week's thread:  Sorry about your Mum, dibnlib, it's hard, I know.  My m.in law had a very difficult last few years and she hated it and so did we.  We decided to just go with the flow, and not stress over what she did or she didn't remember. Just visit and chat, but don't worry about her different attitudes to things, which will change with time. Best to remember the good times.

    Annette:   You seem to have been in the wars as we used to say:  hope it improves soon. You sound as if you're doing all the right things. (HUGS)

    Brenda:  Sorry your OH has dental problems:  will read back later to see why he has appointment. 

    Diane:  Loved your links!

  • Another real spring day, and OH has just finished the scarifying – not sure what else he might do.  I did a few indoor jobs, then went outside just to enjoy the fresh air.  Time will be limited today as he has to collect his repaired denture, we want to explore the newly opened Aldi store (not really expecting much there, but I do need a few mushrooms), the minister is calling for coffee and chat and then we need early dinner as we may go to the Wild Bunch meeting this evening.

    AQ – I was just so disappointed that the dentist we saw last year moved on elsewhere and only does private now, not NHS.  I suppose I was lucky that it was a front filling that needed replacing, so I didn’t have to dislocate my jaw for that!

    Lynette – good that you enjoyed the performance – afraid I can’t sit through that – I used to like classical music, but not any more.  Sorry about your brother’s housing problem, and his cat’s accident – hope Percy will survive, he looks a lovely cat.

    Annette – you are sounding better, but do take things gently.  Have a good breakfast.

    Dibnlib – I hadn’t realised you also have trouble at the dentist, you seem to opt to have a lot of extras, so I had assumed you found it okay.  No good mentioning impressions to me – no way could I ever have one of them again; I shall just go gummy when I have lost all my teeth!  Two weeks to my birthday – so currently he is a year older!

    OH is having to swap the larger nyger feeder to the front as that seems to be where the Goldfinches have chosen to gather this year.  J said he saw Housemartins in last year’s nest yesterday morning, but I wondered if it is someone else moved into a convenient ready-made home!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Sorry I am late, EE, but do have a Very Happy Birthday.

    EDIT. Margo, Also wishes to send her Best Wishes for your Birthday.

  • I have been talking to Margo this morning. She has asked me to post part of an e-mail that she sent me last night.

  • Brenda:  Thank you for news of Margo, even though it is not good news. Our thoughts go out to Margo and her OH, and all her family.

  • BRENDA - Thank you for passing on MARGO's news. I hope that she will be able to keep looking at her beloved ospreys for a while yet - and more importantly, spending precious time with her devoted husband.

    Love to you and OH, MARGO x