Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 6 March 2016


The New Moon (the dark Moon) is on Tuesday.

Last week's chat thread is here.

Everyone have a wonderful week. Spring is almost here!!!

  • Evening all: Visited doc today to whine about ailments. (I just wanted to make sure no possible looming complications before upcoming family visit. Apparently, in his professional opinion, there are "some pretty nasty viruses" around this year. No kidding!   Was told to go home, drink lots, and rest. Boooooring. His front desk lady (a lovely Danish woman) suggested a hot toddy. No appropriate spirits in the house, but I may address that issue tomorrow.

    OG: Isn't that an awful feeling, when some home improvement project is finally done and you look at it and say "Oh."  I've had similar initial reactions; thank heaven they don't last (in most cases).   Kaput is broken (best translation of kerpooey), but my understanding is that kerfuffle means a to-do about something. I love "faffing about" too, but don't use that too much. Hope the follow up goes well - but watch out for Nora.

    Lynette: Thanks for your lovely shots of the eclipse. Raccoons are indeed nocturnal, although when I was driving my daughter to the station a few weeks back one afternoon, one raced across 5 lanes of traffic, scrambled over a fence and disappeared onto a golf course.

    Am getting tired of Burts Bees Honey lozenges; why don't they make some with whiskey?

    Off to organize another cup of tea....

  • Annette: I'm sorry that your doctor wasn't more helpful, especially since I encouraged you to seek out medical help. Sigh...

    If I were you, I'd eat raw, fresh, chopped garlic. I've often read that garlic has organosulfur compounds that are significantly antiviral and antibiotic. The sulfur-bearing compounds could help kill your virus. Get yourself some really yummy fresh hummus, fresh stuffed olives, or pasta with raw garlic.

    Also, green tea has been shown to have an antiviral effect on flu viruses. I've read this in several credible sources. Feel better!

  • OG: I hope your follow-up appointment goes well today!!! Stay away from Nora. Thinking of you today.

  • Good morning all, and thanks to the "night shift".  No time to talk now - but a lovely day for our trip to Dumfries and beyond!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Hello all

    A fairly OK day here. I walked to town as planned and did the necessary in M and S. Now trying to get motivated to do chores.

    ANNETTE - Sorry that your doc didn't give you a miracle cure :-( but there isn't anything that our GPs would do either, if it is a virus. At least you got checked out. My eldest daughter went to the doc last week, had had the everlasting cough but also noticed that she was wheezy, so got ABs and within 24 hours was starting to feel better.

    It is our wedding anniversary tomorrow so going out for lunch and taking OH's daughter and her husband with us. Just as well that I booked it before OH heard from garage about the car. If we get any change out of £**** we will be lucky. It is getting older and we have spoken about changing it. OH's deafness is always very bad at these times!

    Callum (eldest grandchild) is well out of his comfort zone this week, doing this Audi team building thing. Yesterday they had to climb a very 'high hill' with backpacks and today they are caving. I told him to speak with his Dad (army) who will probably tell him to stop being wimpish. At least, I hope so....

  • Morning all:

    Diane/Heather:  Didn't mean to give the impression that the doc was indifferent. He confirmed a virus infection, which wouldn't respond to antibiotics. He's very conservative about prescribing those and I don't like them either unless necessary. I was just concerned that it might be something else and wanted to head off any vacation-busting bugs well in advance.  I'd probably left it too late for any anti-viral stuff to work. Am slowly feeling better; drinking water, tea (I have some green) and still gargling merrily.

    Heather: Have a nice anniversary lunch; glad you booked it before the car bill arrived.  I always hated team-building and other corporate "our employees are our most valuable resource" exercises, which I always suspected were the recommendation of highly paid consultants.  My colleagues, who knew and worked well with each other for the most part, resented the time we had to spend in these shenanigans. Caving sounds ghastly. Let us know how Callum survives.

    Having finally got OH to empty out his closets, I now have to go through kitchen cabinets/linen cupboards to see what can go/stay.  

    Off to sort out some oatmeal.

  • Heather – glad you managed to buy your necessaries in M&S!  Congratulations on the anniversary, and I hope you both (and guests) enjoy a lovely lunch.  That car is certainly lasting very well; I can remember you hoping to change it several years back!  I thought Callum would take well to the team-building exercise, being an “outward-bound” style event!

    Annette – do take care of yourself until you recover fully from that virus.  Rest and plenty of fluids are probably the best prescription!

    Surgeon was very pleased with me today – thorough examination and nothing unusual going on.  Don’t know if I ever said, he was locum for the regular consultant who had extended leave, so I shan’t see him again, sadly; he was so professional and thorough at the same time as being relaxed and encouraging and kind.  Next appointment there in six months.

    Lovely lunch at Loch Arthur.  I had Homity pie and salad; OH had Chicken & Veg pie and salad.  Then we were naughty and he had a “Muckle Waffle” (four quarters) and I had “Wee Waffle” (two quarters).  I think one piece of his would have been enough for me, but not sure he would ever manage with just three quarters!  As it was, I gave him some of my maple syrup and whipped cream cheese to add to his!  Shopping there and at Morrisons achieved most of our list.

    Cleaning day comes round again tomorrow!  BTW, I have decided bathroom carpet really is grey, not green!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG- so glad that all went well at the hospital. I had to look up Homity pie!! It looks good. Yes, I have been mentioning about changing the car for a while now but so far it is falling on stony ground:-(

  • Hi Everyone. Just had one of those days, when I seemed to be on the 'go' all day.

    Last night OH realised that he had only six months left on his passport, so when the rain finally stopped this morning, we faced the trauma of battling with one of those booths for a passport photograph. I can't believe it took OH so long to get the height of the seat correct. I am so glad it only happens every ten years. LOL

    Annette, Glad you had yourself checked by your Dr. Always good to know that you haven't got anything contagious, or in need of medication.

    OG, So good that your surgeon was very pleased with you, and you enjoyed your lunch, afterwards.

    Heather, Sorry about the car repair bill. You will have to start 'working' on your OH, if you want a new car :-)) Maybe Callum will have a talk with him.
    I don't always think that these team building weekends serve any purpose. It can mean that those who are already good at climbing, canoeing, caving etc will shine and those who aren't, can be teased / bullied for quite some time after. It then defeats the object of the exercise. I do hope Callum succeeds and is with a friendly group.