What do gardeners, baseball fans and osprey watchers all have in common? “ In the Spring a young man’s (OSPREY’s) fancy gently turns to thoughts of love”,  and especially in the spring,  “Hope springs eternal in the human breast.”

As gardeners planting seeds and wee plants, we can envision that perfect colorful garden that for me anyway never quite materializes. As a baseball fan I can envision my Cincinnati Red’s as World Champions come fall, or at least playing in the Playoffs.

As Osprey lovers, now is when we wait and HOPE and wait some more, while we envision first EJ’s return, then Oden and some spectacular sky dances. Then the mating, then three beautiful eggs and then (Oh, joy) three perfect little bobbleheads.  Best not to think too much further ahead, lest we get into the time of parting and tears. But that is for later.

Now is the time of HOPE.!!

  • JUNE - Wondered what had happened to you. was about to e mail you or call you but then e mailing you would have made no difference.

    ODIN back on Sunday.

    Dai Dot has moved in with Blue 24 at the Dyfi nest. Think these two are in for trouble.

    Much for you to catch up on when you can.

    Pleased to hear you are OK though.

  • Keith, sorry I logged in just now.  A call would be nice!  :)

    Thanks for the info.  VERY PLEASED that Odin is back.  I believe he is early, too..  With both him and EJ already at home, I hope they are off to a successful season this year.

    Since you have brought me up to date on the "important" stuff, think I'll skip the threads and see if I can find anything on the nests. (have been on facebook since first post)

  • I forgot that it is already dark over here and the nests are on nite-lite and the osprey are at their roosts.

    I have been watching northern lights "The Heavenly Dancers" a lot on the Sumburgh cam and posting on Facebook.  Val asked me "Why you live over there when you are always watching over here?"    :)   Good question!!

  • Greetings to Annette, Willow, Ann and Keith and any readers.  Hope y'all had a wonderful Easter season with lots of colored eggs.

    Will probably check in tomorrow.  Should try to get here earlier and go to cams first thing to get there in daylight and try to see Odin for first time this year and of course EJ - hopefully both.

  • Hi June, Sorry to hear about your computer troubles.  The Dyfi Estuary nest is providing lots of drama as we have come to expect at this point in the season and the main players are not even here yet, but things are mostly calm so far at Loch Garten.  I hope EJ and Odin are left in peace this year.  And I hope you had a lovely Easter.  We enjoyed ourselves by taking a few days away and heard Bach's St Matthew Passion at Birmingham's Symphony Hall on Good Friday and it was fantastic.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • JUNE - Hope you get up and running soon. What a time for computer problems.

    I probably wont catch you at the time you are at the library so will leave you some information not all but some that may be of interest.

    LOCH GARTEN as today 1.4.2016 ODIN and EJ on the nest together.

    At DYFI where Dai Dot and Blue 24 have taken over the nest - for how long we don't know as one or both maybe replaced if Monty and Glesni return. We could have any combination of the four.

    DAI DOT with BLUE 24.

    BLUE 24 in battle with BLUE 5F making sure as for now she is Queen in waiting for the Dyfi Nest.

  • JUNE - OTHER NEWS you may have missed and just a briefing on particular interests you may have.

    Both Male (Blue 33)and female (MAYA) settled at Manton Bay - Rutland doing pre egg work. 14 birds back at Rutland.

    Both settled at LOTL again doing pre egg work outs maybe this will be the first egg at known UK nests.

    2 x Bobbleheads at Dunedin. The cam went down last night but the provider is looking into it.

    Lochter pairing back - I am up in Aberdeen next week so will get some photos next week.

    T in the Park pair back - Going to Strathallan tomorrow to have a look and then on to LOTL only 15/20 minutes apart.

    Kielder has three nests fully occupied. Lake District nest occupied male and female.

    Still awaiting Monty/Glesni and there could be trouble for Dai Dot/Blue 24 if they any of these two return.

    Any particular nest site you want to know about just drop a post and I will try and reply for your next library visit but hope you are up and running soon. Most birds are very early.

  • Ann,

    I am not familiar with St Matthew's Passion - by name anyway.  Possibly it could be familiar to hear.  No matter, I am sure it was lovely and I am so glad you were able to take it in.

  • Keith, thanks for all the news and  pictures.  Some of them are so wonderfully sharp and clear.

    I'm opening a new thread for April Gabfest.