What do gardeners, baseball fans and osprey watchers all have in common? “ In the Spring a young man’s (OSPREY’s) fancy gently turns to thoughts of love”, and especially in the spring, “Hope springs eternal in the human breast.”
As gardeners planting seeds and wee plants, we can envision that perfect colorful garden that for me anyway never quite materializes. As a baseball fan I can envision my Cincinnati Red’s as World Champions come fall, or at least playing in the Playoffs.
As Osprey lovers, now is when we wait and HOPE and wait some more, while we envision first EJ’s return, then Oden and some spectacular sky dances. Then the mating, then three beautiful eggs and then (Oh, joy) three perfect little bobbleheads. Best not to think too much further ahead, lest we get into the time of parting and tears. But that is for later.
Now is the time of HOPE.!!
EJ on lookout
JUNE - Glad you caught LF15 at LOTL and EJ on LG Nest whilst cam looking.
I was at Dunkeld Loch of the Lowes yesterday afternoon for a few hours as I had to pay my SWT Dues for 2016/17.
After watching an empty nest and no one around for about an hour I left the hide but by the time I passed through the VC to go home LF15 was on the nest with a fish. Had to go back to the hide then caught up in the rush hour traffic back through Perth.
Dropped in at Strathallan Castle but no one home.
The Glasslyn female returned home this evening so another cam to view ospreys on.
58willow said: Good evening all. Grewat news that 5N also back at Rutland! Lokk forward to seeing who arrives tomorrow! Always looking on my phone (now that I have discovered how to use TWITTER!)
Good evening all. Grewat news that 5N also back at Rutland! Lokk forward to seeing who arrives tomorrow! Always looking on my phone (now that I have discovered how to use TWITTER!)
And greatest news today the arrival of Glasslyn female shown on her arrival below.
Manton Bay cam
From Facebook
EJ puttering about the nest. From LG cam
JUNE - As well as a pairing on Llyn Clywedog Reservoir in Mid Wales (Dai Dot and Delyth) we also have the first VC pairing at Loch of the Lowes with LM12 joining LF15 at the nest this morning.
The SWT at LOTL do not like names and as they are not ringed have numbered them for identification Lowes Male 12 as he first bred at the nest in 2012 and Lowes Female 15 as she first bred at the nest last season.
I was at LOTL earlier in the week to see LF15 and pay my SWT fees but will wait until after Easter to go back and see the pairing.
The other highlight of the day was Blue 24 landing on the Dyfi nest and started immediately restoring the nest and bringing in material. I am sure Monty will make her feel at home when he arrives but Glesni may have differing thoughts. Monty hung around with her before Glesni arrived last year and also after she left and my thoughts should they all return will pretty much be a repeat of last year.
To continue Keith's story of Blue 24 at the Dyfi nest. Seems she has moved on to Dai Dot's nest where they appear to be a happy couple. But what happens when the lady of the house returns? Dyfi Project promises to keep us informed.
They are certainly giving us some excellent portraits.