Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 28 February 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here.

Annette: This is the way that you encourage moles and gophers to leave your property. LOL LOL

Everyone have a wonderful week.

  • Unknown said:

    EDIT: Diane: Just saw an item that yesterday,  following Trump's success, Google received an average 500% increase in requests for info about moving to Canada.  Did you hear Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me last week when Peter Segal said that if Trump were President, we'd have a huge wall along the U.S. southern border to keep out the Mexicans and another one along our northern border with Canada to keep out Americans.

    Annette: Coincidentally, I just had a conversation about this with my brother -- not 5 minutes before seeing your post.

    I think there's a great deal of truth behind that joke. I suspect that the Canadians will need to address their immigration policies, because a groundswell of Americans will consider emigrating to Canada and abroad in the near future -- to such an extent that the U.S. tax base will be eroded.

    I've actually given serious consideration to leaving myself -- even before this election debacle began -- because I could see the direction of this country's future. I like Toronto (Canada), and a number of publishing/media firms are located there. I even did a couple of Google street walks around some of the more wilderness areas near Toronto, which are quite beautiful. I'd have career opportunities, plus I'd have health care.

    Unfortunately, I'm not financially in a position to move. Plus, I'd hate to leave my brother, especially given his poor health at the moment, but just now he talked like he'd be open to leaving, too.

  • Evening all:

    Diane: Just seeing snippets of Romney's speech denouncing Trump. Oh my, what a mess.  Hey, I'll pick you up on my way over the border, though I'm sure you'd have no problem hitching a ride with the rest of the Trump refugees.  Our "mute" button is getting the workout of its life :-)

    Brenda: Re our election, it's unprecedented - and so very depressing.  How thoughtful to sort out the heat for your returning neighbors.  It seems like it would take a long time to warm things up the way your temps have been going. I"m sure they'll be very grateful.

    OG: Can't imagine how one of your baked items could possibly fail a sample test.  Hope your back doesn't get worse - it takes a while for all these exercises to make a difference. Maybe a glass of wine at lunch will help too?

    Heather: Your trip sounds lovely - and overdue. Just mind the gap.

    dibnlib: It seems so unfair that some people have these awful diseases that dog them throughout their lives - and have to endure all kinds of therapies that then don't work so well.

    Off to stick head in oven and see how the lasagna is doing.

    Take care all.

  • Ooh yes, Brenda, your neighbours will notice the temp. Unless they were in Tasmania where it has been “cool”, merely low 20s.


    Margo – I hope you will have a tasty breakfast and a lazy Friday with your OH (and Billie of course). {{{HUGS}}}


    Clare – I am increasingly irritated with typos in books I read. Some are so stupid, they don’t even consistently mis-spell the same word.


    A quiet afternoon while OH is doing my nanny duty so I should be fit for exploring. I always leave my overnight bag filled with clean socks & undies and small versions of toiletries, so packing for tomorrow night just means removing stuff I won’t need eg shampoo, warm beanie. It is going to be 38 & 39 C in city this weekend and 27 & 30 C down in Robe, probably humid. Sunhat & T-shirt weather.


    Yum Yum Annette.

  • AQ: Have a great weekend! Safe travels!

    OG: Hope you feel better!

    Margo: Have a nice weekend with your OH!

  • Heather B said:
    CLARE- the typo may have been the newspaper's fault?

    The advert was online so I assume someone from the company directly posted the vacancy.  Call me old fashioned but I hate seeing sloppy mistakes like that.  My manager at my last job did as well - when he received all the applications for the job I eventually got 17 out of 20 of them went straight in the bin as the standard of English was so poor.  Their loss, my gain!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good Morning Everyone. A wet night, followed now by bright sunshine. Watching the snow pictures of further North. More snow seems to have fallen than was forecast.

    Linda is having very good weather now, so in reply, I told her that it is probably snowing on her Cheshire home.

    AQ, Do enjoy your weekend trip away.

    OG, Hope there is some improvement to your back pain this morning.

    Diane \ Annette, I have been reading about a possible emigration of Americans into Canada. I must admit that I do find the success of Trump so unbelievable.

    Margo, It should be a lovely day to eat breakfast, looking out to sea. Enjoy yourself.

  • Good morning all

    Ha ha, CLARE, it is me that is old fashioned! I quite forgot that we are in the internet age when it comes to advertising jobs! I agree with AQ, sometimes I wonder if publishers still employ proof readers. I guess that ANNETTE or DIANE will be able to tell me how typos get into books these days. I mean real paper books of course. I read enough Kindle books to get irritated by typos in that format ;-)

    Hope your back pain is easing off, OG.

    MARGO- enjoy your weekend with OH, hope that it distracts you from worrying thoughts x

    Shopping today, OH has an appointment at the hearing aid shop. His original appointment on Wednesday had been changed to today but nobody informed us so he walked there and back to no purpose. I phoned them and gave them a piece of my mind. OH was wincing slightly as I did so. The receptionist blamed the error on a recent 'temp'. My parting shot was 'I take it that you won't be having that one back then'. I was very annoyed because OH was made to feel that it was his mistake (his appointment card was in the desk diary,he hadn't taken it). He arrived back home thinking that he was losing the plot. End of rant!

  • Heather, I can hear you telling them what you thought of them. You were quite justified. Sorry your OH was made to feel it was his mistake.

  • Heather B said:

    Ha ha, CLARE, it is me that is old fashioned! I quite forgot that we are in the internet age when it comes to advertising jobs! I agree with AQ, sometimes I wonder if publishers still employ proof readers. I guess that ANNETTE or DIANE will be able to tell me how typos get into books these days. I mean real paper books of course. I read enough Kindle books to get irritated by typos in that format ;-)

    Heather: I could tell you, but I won't.

    I'm desperately searching for work in publishing. Being negative about the industry would be counterproductive. I love publishers, managing editors, and all the good folks in publishing. Love them, love them, love them. Love 'em all very, very much. Best people in the world.

    Did I mention that I LOVE them?

    LOL LOL!