Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 21 February 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here.

The Full Moon is Monday!

Everyone have a wonderful week!

  • Evening all: At my stopping point en route home. Phew. A good, if very busy, visit.

    I have NO idea at all how AQ manages with three kiddies. I had Ms. D for much of the time and had completely forgotten how much attention just one requires, especially when out and about. Granddaughter and Ms D stayed at the hotel with me - I sent granddaughter out for an evening coz she isn't having much fun right now. She went with her ex-partner - they're still very good friends and I suspect she'd like to get back together, but he's divorced and is reluctant to make any long-term commitments. Anyway, she loves her new job, is learning a lot and is determined to get as much experience as she can, but is wearing at least two hats. Her previous job with the ambulance company had her working two 24-hour shifts a week; now she's working daily 9-5 and is on call one weekend in four, which is a huge adjustment and cuts into her time with Ms. D. She is, however, making lots more money.  I do worry that she's doing too much and wish she lived closer. 

    AQ: Suggest you put your foot down with a firm hand, as my mother would say, and give daughter and SiL some sign that they need to find an alternative sitter. You say they're beginning(!!) to realize you can't cope with three young'uns. How about encouraging that impression? Nothing quite so dramatic as collapsing in a pile on their kitchen floor, but maybe having a "dizzy spell" or appearing confused, like putting cereal and milk in the dog's bowl and feeding Kibbles to the kiddies?  Naughty aren't I? But hey, we have to get creative here....

    Anyway, have read everyone's posts and news. I also have been wondering about Rita.

    Will be up and on the road early tomorrow and home just after lunch. Hurray!  Here's hoping the L.A. freeways will be kind...

  • Good Morning, All.  I hope that you have a good and safe journey home, Annette: I suspect that you will be tired after your trip, as although it's been a pleasure, it's also been a busy one. Glad to hear that your granddaughter is coping and determined, and getting lots of experience.

    Laughed at your suggested solutions to AQs dilemma!  You should certainly be saying that you can only offer a half a days help at a time, AQ. If your own health suffers from all the strain, you will indeed be poorly yourself and then they will have to manage without you.

    I hope that Rita is just busy, organising perhaps a house move. 

    Nice to hear from George and that the Docs have now decided what ails, George.  Do take care of yourself.

  • Good morning all.  Back to frost this morning after a couple less cold.  Pale sun is rising – dare we hope for some warmth for a bit of gardening later?

    Annette – safe day on the road today, especially around LA.  Pleased you enjoyed your time in AZ; now take some you-time and relax after the busy-ness of Ms D!

    Linda – can’t guess what time you might put computer to bed today as part of your holiday preparations, so will use this post to wish you both a wonderful break, good weather, and plenty of rest and relaxation!

    Sounds like porridge is ready now – BBL.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Good Morning Everyone. A cold night, but there didn't appear to be any frost.The sun is just trying to appear.

    Just had a BBC news flash on my phone, that the Nurse, Pauline Cafferkey,  has been admitted to hospital for the third time since contracting Ebola. I do hope she will be OK.

    Annette, I hope you have an uneventful journey home, after such a good time with your granddaughter and Ms D. That was good of you to give your granddaughter the chance to have a night out.

    Linda, A busy day for you and an early start for you tomorrow. Do have a wonderful, relaxing holiday.

    OG, Maybe it will be warm enough for you in the greenhouse, if the sun keeps shining.

  • George, So good to see a post from you and to hear about your health results. Do enjoy your " cousin night " out. They usually sound an enjoyable get together. 

    Our daughter has rung to say that she will be visiting us on Friday, with Ruby. It is the one day this week, when we have sleet forecast !!

  • Yes, I'm certainly having a busy day, as however much you plan and do, there are always all those last minute things to sort.  I always try to leave this last day as an At Home day, sending my OH out on any errands needed, so that I can concentrate on the last packing and also cleaning around the house. I always have visions of someone looking at all my dust, if I have come to grief whilst away, and saying "Good Heavens, look at how dirty that woman was, LOL!!!"

    The sun has come out here and so I have actually managed to get my bed linen on the line, for once. Nice to have a clean bed to come back to, when you return.....      My OH is out on the golf course and must be enjoying the sun:  I told him to go anyway, as he would only be underfoot if he was here.

    Thanks for all the good wishes for our hols:  we do feel as if we need one, in spite of being retired. I'm not taking anything away with me which could be used on the Internet so will rely on my mobile phone for any contact with home.

    Brenda:  I was sorry to hear about the Nurse being back in hospital yet again:  she has paid a high price for her bravery in going out there to tend to the poor souls with this terrible disease.  I suspect that she will now have to live with the symptoms for the rest of her life.

    What a shame it will be bad weather when Ruby comes to visit: you will have to get some doggy toys to entertain here, LOL!

    OG:  Hope you're not doing too much just yet, let yourself rest occasionally!

  • “Early” chores done and phonecall to bathroom company half accomplished (an extra towel rail ordered, but OH will fit it himself) – still awaiting adjusted final account.  Full dome of blue sky, but still cold, so I shall do ironing while OH goes into the garage to shape a piece of wood to stand the bathroom scales on when the new carpet comes.  Still hoping to be outside this afternoon, and then out to a lecture (“Soil as Natural Capital”) and supper this evening – won’t be late: lecture is limited by serving supper after, and we can leave as soon as we wish after that.

    Brenda – I saw the report of Nurse Cafferkey’s rehospitalisation – such a price to pay for helping others.  Would prefer to be in greenhouse this afternoon, but too soon to do much more in there – unless OH will move a few pots in for me to tidy them up, but that takes him away from his own jobs!  Do enjoy the visit from your Daughter and Ruby, despite the forecast for wet paw prints!

    Linda – agree about keeping final day at home free of messages and with time for all the last minute preparation.  I really am taking rest time during every day – that’s why I am sitting down now between my shower and the ironing!  I kept back a muffin from the freezer yesterday for J’s supper, and he said they are up to standard!

    Must go and take cheese out of fridge to acclimatise for lunch and then tackle said ironing!  I hope everyone is enjoying this bright sunshine, although I believe “Our Friends in the North” may have some showers today.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Hello all

    A beautiful, if cold day here. OH and I did a trip to Lidl which is just around the corner. I love smoked salmon and their premium range one is very good, or so I think! Then home to washing and housework and making leek and potato soup which we will have for our evening meal tomorrow with crusty bread, followed by cheese with some celery and grapes. We are still eating much less than before and now I find that I have lost 5 pounds to match OHs weight loss. Didn't intend to lose weight but seeing OH with half portions seems to have put me off food, somehow. We have never had soup for evening meal before but we are doing that twice a week, now.

    GEORGE- It was really good to see your post, we don't have enough men on here! Glad that your problem has been diagnosed and that you have decided to keep going as normal. Enjoy your time with family xx

    ANNETTE- welcome home! Yes, the little ones are quite tiring, even when they are not babies! I find that spending a day with the grandchildren is much more exhausting than when I was a Mum. Probably because I'm conscious of wanting to give them a good time? Or maybe it is because I am no longer in my 20s and 30s....

    PS OH tells me this evening that he has put weight on again. It must be all the chocolates!
  • Not warm enough for me in the garden, but OH has kept warm with some hoeing and then shifting some soil from one veg patch to the other.  He is now putting the cold frames in place to hopefully warm the soil for first sowings next month.  I did go out to inspect - and also made him some hot chocolate!

    He just came in to report a journey up to the woods - another mouse!  Wants to go quickly, as yesterday we had one "supermouse" chew its way out of the trap!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Well, I think that we will really miss LINDY on here but as I've already said, have a great holiday!

    BRENDA- I so hope that nurse Pauline will be OK.

    OH has really got cabin fever. He went to the garden today for a while but really just for an inspection of things etc. A lot of things are in bud.