Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 21 February 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here.

The Full Moon is Monday!

Everyone have a wonderful week!

  • Sorry you've got the drizzle there, Margo - it's brightening up here. Good to hear that you both enjoyed your meal out.

    AQ - I'm sorry if I've overstepped the mark, in my post - but I'm not editing it out as you can tell that I feel strongly about this. I was also concerned as the type of dog you describe is not at all suitable to be around small children, as they snap and can nip people.  I have already been concerned as you are finding it so tiring helping out, and I'm not surprised as small children are definitely hard work! You yourself say that your own chores and garden at home are being neglected.

  • Good Morning Everyone. A dark wet morning here. I had a really good unbroken sleep last night. Due to play a friendly bowls match against another club today.

    AQ, Pleased to see that you are due a day's rest from nanny duty. Sounds as if you need some respite time for yourself and your OH. I would love to see a pic of the new pup, though.

    Pleased that you enjoyed your steak meal, Margo. I can visualise Billie's muddy footprints. She must learn to wipe her feet :-))

     Just watching a report showing that we are not buying exactly what we think. They showed a bottle of corn oil, which was 20% rapeseed oil. This fiddle covers a lot of our food items and it it is not shown as an additive or ingredient. 

  • We must have an extremely hungry female sparrow hawk or we have two. I saw one early this morning finishing off her pigeon breakfast, only to have witnessed a female take another wood pigeon in the back garden just now.

    There has been nobody on the building site since the last storm, although demolition of the bungalow was supposed to have been last week. The birds have been enjoying the peace and quiet again.

  • Talking of sparrowhawks, look what just made my neighbourhood go all quiet:

    It flew off just after I took this snap, pursued by an irate crow!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • We are sadly missing our Sparrowhawk...

    In a blizzard about a month ago he must have been in hot pursuit of something small and feathery and he collidided with one of the Whisky warehouse walls. So sad to see him lying there.

  • An excellent capture, Clare.

  • We were in Morrisons today and remarked to a couple we met that we were wandering round aimlessly as we rarely shop in M and so didn't know where anything was.   They said they were used to that as they had lived in Romania for a number of years (missionaries) and there was no rhyme nor reason as to where anything was on the shelves, they just filled the gaps. This meant that you might find towels beside baked beans and a plate beside eggs etc. Can you imagine!!!

  • Good afternoon everyone have been lurking again but have enjoyed all the news and pictures. The weather here has been cold but generally bright. have not been doing a lot lately but have been to a demonstration evening at my favourite eating place and he demonstrated the menu we would be sharing which was five courses the most unusual thing being an avocado sweet.

    This week I am going to my cousins association dinner on Wednesday and then on Friday we are having a cousins night.

    I had an appointment with the cardiac consultant about all the tests they had done and he said they could operate but it was a difficult operation or I could live with abnormality that they found and I have decided against the operation as I can still get about although I do get out off breath if I over exert myself.

    There seems to have been quite a lot of people with some ailments during my lurking and I hope they get better soon and I am glad to read that Margo has had some quality time with her O/H. and it was good to heat that OG was recovering from here ordeal

    Hope everyone keeps well and only about a month till the osprey season starts again.    

    george g

  • Hello – not really hiding, just been a bit lazy for a couple of days, then had a burst of energy today!

    Today the car went for MoT and service (we had approval from Motability to extend the lease due to having the hoist fitted, and wanting to keep this model as they don’t make it any more), so OH has been out, back in courtesy car and now out again to collect (after replacement of a damaged tyre); he did some Morrison’s shopping on the first trip.  I made muffins and did several more mundane jobs.  Was going to do ironing this afternoon, but decided my legs had enough standing.  I ordered some new clothes at the weekend, and have been very good, sorting my wardrobe and filling a charity bag (good timing, for once) with more old items than I am getting new, so feeling virtuous!

    Dibnlib – I hope you are enjoying the “Purrfect Chocolate” jigsaw!  Sorry about church casualty – I hope the person will be okay – and about your OH’s ex-colleague.  I too have wondered about Rita – I do hope she is okay; maybe she has been busy making the big move to be nearer the family, as they hoped.  Can’t imagine supermarket shelves filled so randomly as that lady described – we should count our blessings!

    Heather – we have a cooked breakfast every Saturday – made by OH unless it is scrambled eggs, in which case mine are preferred!  J refers to it as our “Family Breakfast”.  It is never a full Scottish – usually three or four items, and not fried.  We never have food to give away, as we only buy for the meals I have planned.

    Linda – glad you enjoyed a baby visit before your holiday – they grow up so quickly, she will have changed when you can visit again.

    Limpy – lovely photos – especially the Otter – you do have such patience!

    Brenda – sorry to see how tired you were – glad you had a good night and are feeling ready for bowls today.  It’s bad that so many products are inaccurately (dishonestly) labelled!  Definitely sounds as if you have two female SHs – haven’t seen ours over the weekend (not suggesting she has moved to Sussex!).

    Sheila – good to see a post from you – pleased you still join us here from time to time.

    AQ – my lost post at the weekend said much of what others have said about the addition to your Daughter’s family – and in quite strong words, too.  And it really worries me that they have the terrier you describe in a house with such young children!  I hope you didn’t work too hard at home on your day off from nannying, and that you won’t be needed for extra duties this week; look after ypurself, with that cough and the hot weather combining to tire you.

    Margo – pleased the two of you enjoyed the steak meal on Saturday.  Sorry that OH has an extra-long working day today, but then only three days to your extended weekend on Friday!  Thinking of you at blood tests and then consultant.  Sorry about the weather; we were having a dry day, then two sunny showers, but now a bright and sunny end to the afternoon.

    Clare – lovely SH photo!  They are beautiful birds, always look so proud.

    George – good to see a post from you.  Pleased you are enjoying some special meals again.  I had wondered how you got on at the consultant.  Good that he gave you the option after telling you the pros and cons – and it sounds a wise decision you have made.

    Quick update on car – tyre problem was on a recently new one – apparently evidence of pothole damage, due to poor road maintenance!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!