Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 21 February 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here.

The Full Moon is Monday!

Everyone have a wonderful week!

  • Hi to everyone I hope you are all well.

    I thought I would put a few photos on that I have taken recently.

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • Sorry haven't had time to post today. After returning from church, we spent nearly two hours talking to our son and his wife. Went out for lunch and then drove down to  the coast, even though it has been rather  a grey day with a brisk wind. Came home and a neighbour called around to thank us for looking after her house while she has been away. I fell asleep after she left and I woke up to find it was dinner time and I hadn't even thought of what we would be eating.

    Linda, Pleased you found your Kindle lead, although it was after driving to your friend's. Lovely that you went to see the new family baby.

    Dibnlib, We were visiting my sister and a gentleman had a hear attack  and died, just after we arrived in church. There were a couple of Drs present and the ambulance arrived very quickly, but they were all unable to save him. I do hope your church member will recover quickly. Sorry about your friend, who has died.
    It really is a pain to be without your debit card, especially when you hadn't really lost it.
    Sorry I don't know how Rita is now, or anybody who is in touch with her.

    I must go to bed. Rather tired tonight.

  • Wonderful pics, Limpy. I treasure the few sightings I have had of otters, all in Scotland. I hope all is well with you.

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Limpy - As Sheila says, otters are so special and you are lucky to have chance to capture the pics: I've never seen one in the wild myself. Thanks for posting.

    Dibnlib - Sad when you hear of a death, too early really. I noticed that today they announced the death of Eric "Winkle"  Brown, who was a famous Royal Navy Pilot and had had an incredibly full life. He was the grand age of 97, though. (It says that he held the record for the number of different planes he had flown, as he had been a test pilot - 487!) I saw a programme about him a while back and he'd had a fascinating life.

    Brenda - A busy day. Hope you get a good night's sleep.

  • Oh Dibnib, what a to do, both at church and you "losing" your Debit Card.

    Just looked in at Dunedin and the first egg has been laid so she is now incubating.

    Limpy - love those photos, particularly of the otter

  • Before I forget - Lindybird have a lovely holiday, at least self-catering you can please yourselves when you get up etc.

  • Linda – Have a great holiday. I expect lots of photos!!!


    I have a “holiday” today from nanny duty. S-i-l is staying home from work as Dau has succumbed to the virus. I think they recognise I cannot cope with three small children. I shall probably get a call for Tues or Wed swap when Dau is half recovered. Thank you all for your agreement with me about the addition of a dog when Dau already has “enough on her plate”. I was beginning to think I was unfair/selfish. I still have a cough and I feel so tired all the time. It is too hot today for long overdue weeding; instead I cleaned the bathroom. What to do for the afternoon? So many chores crying out.

  • Lindy: Have a wonderful holiday!!!

  • Good Morning, All.  Woke early today but had a solid nights sleep, after a busy day yesterday. Thanks for good wishes for our hols: I enjoy hotels, and being spoilt by not having to cook etc, but this holiday is also a pleasure in that as you say, we can do what you like, when you like etc. We do go out for a nice restaurant meal every few days, and in between I cook simple meals - partly enforced by the fact that all that there is in the apartment are two electric rings, and a microwave! So lots of omelettes, fish and one pan stews!

    Thanks to Lynette for pic of the osprey sitting snugly on her first egg - visions of what is to come for hopefully, our EJ in what is now only a few weeks. 

    AQ -  You are not at all selfish.  If I had been talking to you face to face I would have said how shocked I was that your daughter could be so selfish, herself, for indulging in a whim which will affect so many of the family. If she wanted a dog, she should have waited until the children were all at school. You and your OH should not be expected to take on this additional burden when you are already feeling stretched by your duties. Your daughter should feel very lucky that you both help at all - my parents lived within walking distance when my children were small and did not help me with them at all. (And I didn't have a car at the time, either) Sorry, rant over......

  • AQ you are quite entitled to have a rant. Daughter seems not to have thought the dog idea through. Should not expect you to take on even more responsibility.

    Lindy have a good holiday, looking at the weather this morning (damp and drizzle) set for the day, can I sneak Billie and me into your suitcase lol.

    Brendahooe you have had a good night and feel more refreshed today.

    Had our steak meal Saturday which was thoroughly enjoyed by us both. OH back to work today, has to go up to London to see a client so will be home a bit later tonight.

    Billie actually went out in the rain for a short time and came in with muddy feet. I will let it dry and then Hoover. She has decided to sleep on my settee and not leaving much room for me but I just love her so close.

    Have a good day all and take care.

    Margo x