Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 14 February 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

  • PS - magic skin paste arrived in the post this morning!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • BRENDA     I do hope your OH doesn't have to have the operation. Lets hope option 1 solves the eye problem.

  • Thank you Dibnlib. We remain hopeful.

    OG, I hope the new cream works, especially since you have had to wait for it.

  • The tree man has been here for some time. He not only removed the falling tree, but I asked him about a few ash trees which had started growing beside our fence and were becoming spindly and tall. He took one look at them and said that the trees had to be removed. So I am relieved and happy now. He has left all the tree branches in the wood and will remove them when he inspects all the trees and completes any other necessary work. He took the tree trunks away with him. The owner was saying how disappointed she was to find that people had been using the wood to dump their own garden rubbish, plus many other items. The wood is accessible from the farm fields, which she rents out to a farmer.

  • Good to see a post from Dibnlib – was missing you – take care.

    Brenda – new cream comfortable, but hard to make it “stick” on the worst part.  Pleased the owner of the wood has employed someone to take a thorough look at all the trees – and that he was able to advise on those ash trees too – do you have “Ash die-back” in your area?

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG. I haven't heard of any trees having "Ash die-back" but OH did point out a tree, to the man, which I noticed last summer, but we couldn't get near enough to have a proper look, as it is in the centre of the wood. I did ask the District Council Tree Protection Officer, who was around at the time. last summer, but she just said that I could be right, but the tree was not on council land. The owner was in hospital for a long time last year, so I decided to wait until I was able to make sure. I am pretty certain that it does have 'die-back'. There are quite a few ash trees in the woods.  

    If you slightly warmed the amount you need to use, of the paste, would that help ?  Pastes are hard to spread.

  • Have had a busy day, what with one thing & another, plus this afternoon we drove to Macclesfield Hospital for a Consultation about my OH - we used to attend Christies Hospital for these things but got a letter a month ago saying that the policy now was to take appointments out into more localised areas. This saves everyone driving into Manchester, plus it frees up the car parks and waiting rooms at Christies for more urgent patients.

    My OH was able to say that he has had a good result from his latest blood test, and ask about how long he will be suffering from his hot flushes, which he still has even 18 months after his treatment. They can't say, unfortunately, and seem to think that he's just one of the unlucky ones. He goes back again in six months.  We got into a traffic jam on the way home, so were glad to return to the lovely smell of a beef stew I had left in our slow cooker.

  • OG - Hope the paste is successful - especially if you can get it to stick!

    Brenda - It's good that you had someone out to the trees - but the thought of ash die back attacking a whole wood is awful :-( 

  • Good evening, all.

    Brenda – I hope you won’t lose all the Ash Trees from the woodland.  We have the Larch disease here (can’t remember its name) and it’s devastating huge swathes of the Galloway Forest as the trees all have to be felled – at least it makes work for the forestry employees, and I believe the timber is being burnt at the small wood-burning power plant in Lockerbie.  Will try warming the paste – will wash hands in hotter water before applying it and see if they will soften it to spread; but I guess that if it feeds the skin round the edges, it will gradually heal towards the centre.

    Linda – pleased your OH’s follow-up was good, but a nuisance about the hot flushes; treatment effects do vary such a lot from one patient to another, it seems.  Glad you returned to a welcome hot meal!

    Not sure what we are doing the rest of the evening – OH has been in the loft for J’s smallest suitcase and to put a few things up there – with permission!


    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Hello all

    Have read all your news and will hope to talk tomorrow. Just tired, one of 'those' nights last night and busy today.